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Friday, 28 October 2022 15:27

Ukrayna-Rusya Savaşının 8. Ayında Durum

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24 Şubat 2022’de Rus Ordusunun Ukrayna’ya girmesi ile başlayan Ukrayna-Rusya Savaşının üzerinden tam 8 ay geçti. Bu savaşın giderek dünyanın gündeminde hayatın olağan bir akışı gibi algılandığının farkında mıyız?
Saturday, 13 August 2022 15:31

Taziye Mesajı EN

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اِنَّا لِلّٰهِ وَاِنَّٓا اِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَۜ Biz şüphesiz (her şeyimizle) Allah'a aidiz ve şüphesiz O'na döneceğiz. Akit Medya Grubu İcra Krl. Bşk. Mustafa Karahasanoğlu'nun vefat ettiğini üzüntü ile öğrenmiş bulunmaktayız. Merhuma Allah’tan rahmet, kederli ailesine ve yakınlarına başsağlığı dileriz. #İslam #ASSAM #AKİT…
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The aim of the International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congresses is to make determinations on an academic and political basis regarding current problems in world politics, especially in the Islamic Countries, and to present a solution to the Islamic World and…
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Strategy is the path followed to achieve a predetermined goal in the long run. Strategy is the science and art of using political, economic, psychological, military and spiritual forces together in the most effective and designed way in order to give…
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From the journalist author Suat Gün to the Muslims of the Russian Federation!..
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BNC Medya News columnist Suat Gün had said in his previous article ‘who Zelenskyy was’. In today's column titled “THE OCCURRENCE OF RUSSIAN EXPANSIONISM”, he also mentioned who Putin is and underlined that, contrary to popular belief, Putin is not a…
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ASSAM Vice President Ali Coşar's evaluation, published in 2015 and shedding light on today, has been published on our website. The PowerPoint presentation file of the research article written by ASSAM Vice President Ali Coşar on October 17, 2015 is in…
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Journalist and Writer Suat Gün, unlike other analysts, from the first day of the conflict, he is making point shooting with his analysis!.. In this column, Gün evaluates Putin's "I use a nuclear bomb" statement. In addition, in the face of…
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The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine shared the videos and images of captured Russian soldiers. The Russian soldiers in the interrogation said that they were deceived and said, “There was a drill, that's why we came here.”
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From the first day of the invasion of Ukraine, every soldier, political scientist, sociologist, international relations expert, strategist or academician who appeared on Turkish TV and made comments; They talked about Russia's invincibility, Putin's legendary leadership, the destructive power of Russian…