Monday, 03 November 2014 00:00

Islamic World Is Targeted By the Global Attack

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Islamic World Is Targeted By the Global Attack ASSAM Bursa Semineri

The "Islamic World is targeted by the Global Attack" seminar of ASSAM was held on Saturday, November 1, 2014, Bursa in the Uftade Conference and Meeting Hall in the Setbashi Library; in organization with Presidency of Bursa State.


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In the presentation made by retired General Adnan TANRIVERDI, the president of ASSAM, he explained dimensions of the global attack on the Islamic world and necessary steps that must be taken to get the Islamic world out of this situation. TANRIVERDI said that Crusades towards the Islamic world are continuing through changing their shape;

"The Islamic World should realize that the region has become a field for the third world war that is undeclared, secret, malicious, dirty and unequal by igniting war among elements that have ethnic and sectarian differences and have been fought against each other within unitary structures which form their Islamic geography" He said.

To reach the presentation file; Click here


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After the presentation, ASSAM held Workshop concerned to Egypt. In the workshop, the current economic and political situations were evaluated by members of Theology Faculty of Uludag University Prof. Dr. Ismail Guler and Egyptian Prof. Dr. Muhammad Said, after discussion by the lecturer. Islam Omer, about Egyptian history and his autobiography.

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The "Islamic World is targeted by the Global Attack" seminar was held on Sunday, November 2, 2014 at the Tewfik Chukka Dormitory Meeting Hall of the Science Dissemination associationin Bursa.

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Read 1257 times Last modified on Tuesday, 02 July 2019 10:37