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Thursday, 28 January 2021 17:45

Response to Osman AYDOĞAN

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I felt the need to respond to you personally because of my affection for the Turkish Armed Forces, which I am honored to be a member of, and my respect and love for the glorious uniform. I regarded it as a duty to explain the truth to a person who wears the honorable uniform of the Turkish Armed Forces as in the rank of general.

Although we have seen honorable people accidentally put on that honorable uniform, we realize that a handful of scum does not contaminate the sea. (I am talking about the West Working Group and FETO dishonors who carried out the postmodern coup on February 28 process and were on trial and discharged from their ranks) The distinguished institution of our beautiful country will always continue to preserve its nobility.   

General Osman, we are close to each other in terms of date of birth. I graduated from the Air Force Academy in 1981. We still remember what we went through in those years, right? We also know the 78 draft well. You know, the draft with the most communists. The 79 draft was also in different level. We have been studied with your draft for 2 years. When we were in the first grade, our older brothers immediately surrounded us. They tried to inoculate us with their poisonous ideas. Fortunately, our national feelings were also very high back at those days. We chose to join the nationalists and fight the communists, since that time.

Let's come to our topic and today. They say, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”. The one who takes half of the words and bends them is called a manipulator. The task of manipulators is to provoke their supporters and create an atmosphere of chaos in the country. I am not accusing you of being a manipulator, but after reading my explanations, I can state that if you continue to do the same, you will have put yourself in that position.

I am one of the founders and Board of Directors member of ASSAM. While our address is clear, our identity is clear, our ideas, words, intentions, goals, everything is clear, it was not pleasant to prepare articles about us and our association, distorted with sketchy expressions taken from our site.

If you are the child of this country, we are also the child of this country. Let's talk as the children of the country.

We make our congresses open to the public, we announce it many months in advance, we publish it on our site. Aggrace and see the truth with your eyes, do not be on the side of the traitors. Because they attack us from the United States, they attack us from Israel, they use their servants in Turkey, they attack with the FETO that they are commanding. I do not think you are working with any of them. If you have no connection with any of these, then please read it well, examine it carefully and without prejudice and try to understand. Not for labeling.

First of all, I want you to know that General Adnan Tanrıverdi is one of the most precious, most valuable, most honorable, most knowledgeable, hard-working and self-sacrificing children of our country. He is national. Until now, he has done nothing but struggle to do useful work for the wealth and safety of his Country. He is a value that never goes beyond the law and tries to carry out civil society activities within the framework of our laws and in line with its beliefs.

Now I am asking you, by which right and authority do you consider an association established in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Turkey to be an "organization"? We know very well that; The word “organization” is a word belonging to the leftist jargon. You go and look for those organizations elsewhere. "The founder of ASSAM is a retired general but who are the members of the organization?" you asked, let me tell you; ASSAM is an association. Associations consist of members. I am one of the members and one of the persons is Board of Directors. We are not confidential, our address is written everywhere. We have never done anything in secret and we do not... Everything is obvious, if you want to exchange ideas sincerely, our door is always open to everyone, please come in.

In 1999, I had to retire in order not to be kicked by the dishonored Western Working Group and February 28 perpetrators. I had left my favorite uniform. That day I devoted myself to my homeland, nation, religion and faith. I am someone fully national. Until I take my last breath, I will continue to fight the traitors and dishonored people through legal and democratic means.

The British and other countries have been working since the Ottoman Empire to bring the children of this country to conflict each other. We should be aware of those kind of traps. We are in the same ship. Let's not try to pierce the bottom of the ship.

ASSAM holds Congresses. It will continue to do so. Today we prepared 5th Congress declaration. If you wish, I can send it you too. But we already publish it on our Website. It is open to public. I would like to invite you to come and listen but it will be conducted through Zoom due to the pandemic. I can send you the link.

General Osman; let me explain you Union of Islamic States. This union; Either the EU namely European Union, here is its version of the Turkish Islamic Countries. Just like the EU has a flag, it will have a flag like EU. It will have a center like the center of the EU, it will have a language like the language of the EU. Like the constitution of the EU, it will have a constitution. Otherwise, we do not propose a new state by demolishing states, removing borders, as you imagine. For some reason, those who do everything to join the EU cannot help but ignore the word of Islamic Union. It is not possible to understand why these people seem so strange to unite our Civilization Geography.

"In other words, ASSAM repeals the existing state structure and constitution of the Republic of Turkey, making the Republic of Turkey part of an Arab confederation governed by Shariah. Where did we use such statements, where did we say these words? Can you please show me? If you cannot show it then you become a slanderer. Let me say it again; we never and ever have such an intention or initiative. On the contrary, each country will be governed by its own government with its own constitution, on its own borders, on which we propose a union just like the EU. It is okay when you say EU, but why is it different when you say ASRICA? It is not possible to understand this. It would be naive to expect those who have sold their mind and soul to foreigners, who are admirers of the west, who are in an inferiority complex, to understand this. However, I do not think that you are like them.

You also mentioned our solution process report which we published in 2015. Let me explain. As the children of the country who were hurt by terror; we went to the southeast of Turkey as 3 separate teams in order to benefit our country during the solution process. I was also in the team which went to Mardin-Şırnak region. We have been for 4 days in the region. We held meetings for 4 days and worked until midnight with the governor, the mayor, the brigade commander, opinion leaders, foundations, associations, chambers, bar associations and even the citizens on the street. Finally, we unearthed a work. This is a determination. We are not the government, we took the pulse of the region. Then we sent it to the relevant and competent authorities. This is a peacekeeping effort. This is self-sacrifice and endeavor. As an association, this is only what we can do. We just report. Everything is clear and transparent. What is written there is evaluation of region’s opinion. We do not have any authority and official liability. As people of conscience who want peace and the good of the country, we have made an effort. You have the right to criticize what is written here. We also discussed a lot within ourselves. “How can we do it, what should we write?” Ideas can be refuted by ideas. If you write down the parts that you think as wrong and explain it, and we would be thankful for you. But lies, slander and falsification are something else.

General Osman, this is your sentence: The vast majority of ASSAM consists of retired soldiers. You know some of them. You know, the imam asks at the funeral prayer, "How would you know the dead?” Yes, we know each other. But I could not understand this "funeral" issue. Sorry, maybe I am so naive. What did you mean by saying "the dead", can you please explain?

Let’s look at his last words: Take a look. Who is in this organization that destroys the Republic of Turkey and repeals its constitution and replaces it with a part of an Arab confederation, a state whose official language is Arabic and governed by Sharia, divides Turkey into provinces, gives up the Turkish nation and divides Turkey into peoples, deals with PKK, and wants the re-opening of the Islamic monasteries? And they are talking about vision?

This is the moment of truth…. Everyone should be pontificating through their duty..."


  1. We have never had the idea of tearing down the Republic of Turkey and repealing its constitution and replacing it with a state that is part of the Arab confederation, whose official language is Arabic and governed by Sharia, and it never will be. We will always continue our struggle within the framework of the laws against those who make such an effort.
  2. We never wanted a state that divided Turkey into provinces, gave up the Turkish nation, divided Turkey into peoples, and dealt with the PKK. We never tolerate those who want to.
  3. We have never been an enemy of Atatürk. But some people always lied to provoke someone and to divide the people and make them fight with each other.
  4. There is neither an organization nor its members. The mindset of sick people only produces such slanders. ASSAM is a legal association. You will pay for this slander in court.
  5. As we strive for our homeland we love as much as our lives, who do you please by writing such articles, I invite you to think.

Hoping that this explanation has been enough, we would like to thank you for caring about us and giving some of our truths.

Allah is the helper of believers.

Gürcan Onat, ASSAM Vice President of Board of Directors.


Heedlessness: means not knowing Allah, Prophet and religion.       

Perversion: means the perverted path deviated from Allah's line.

Infidelity: is getting rid of your homeland, nation, religion and state.

For those who try to slander us with words of heedlessness, perversion and infidelity, I will say that; We know Allah, our Prophet and our religion, alhamdulillah.                   

We never deviated from Allah's line, with help of Allah we will not deviate.                                                  

We love our homeland, nation, religion and state as much as we do, we never get rid of it and we do not allow those who try to, with permission of Allah.

Last modified on Wednesday, 03 February 2021 11:31
Gürcan ONAT

30 Haziran 1959 tarihinde Adapazarı'nda doğmuştur.

Memleketi: Akyazı/Sakarya.

30 Ağustos 1981 yılında Hava Harp Okulundan Teğmen rütbesi ile mezun olmuştur.

1999 yılında Binbaşı rütbesindeyken kendi isteği ile emekli olmuştur.

Emekli olduğu günden itibaren sivil toplum örgütleri ile hemhal olmuştur.

ASDER, ASSAM, SADAT kuruluşlarında emek sarf etmiştir.

Halen Fatih/İstanbul'da ikamet etmekte olup, kendini vakıf ve dernek hizmetlerine vakfetmiştir.