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Monday, 22 November 2021 10:54

Growth Projects of British Intelligence and Albania -IV-

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While the British intelligence supports the main ideology that represents the great ambition of that society, it also supports ideologies based on its own main target against it. For example, while supporting Panislamism, they encouraged modernism in religion through individuals such as Mohammed Abduh, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, and also pronounced that the Caliphate would be taken from the Turks and given to the Arabs. It does not let the same people into India because it would harm British authority in India. The interesting thing is that the idea of Panislamism did not come from the Ottoman intellectuals. This concept was first mentioned in an article published in The Times on January 19, 1882, its translation into English as Pan-Islam under the name of the notion of Islamic Union. The French translation of this expression was used by a person named M.G. Charmes in Des Deux Mondes at the end of 1881 and the French writer took this movement until 1870 in the aforementioned article[1]. (5) In other words, the project of unification of Muslims is western-centered. Name and mission that will appeal to Muslims. Today, they are uniting the so-called Muslims, establishing a so-called caliphate, and establishing a so-called Islamic state, as is the case with ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) and DAESH organizations. (!)

Pan-Islamism entered the Ottoman Empire through the Young Turks after the 1880s. These individuals, many of whom were in the hands of British intelligence and many of whom were freemasons, were used as espionage agents of British intelligence.

The entry of British intelligence into Turkey with the identity of a destructive ideology was firstly through Wahhabism, and then Salafism. The project of reviving the Shiite sect in the axis of the revival of the Fatimid State and making it confrontational is carried out by the work of a British spy named Hampher.[2] (6) In other words, the British intelligence does not leave the Shiites on their own. After that, intelligence officers sent under the name of archaeologists make waterways to Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Arabia, Yemen, Central Asia and India, Lawrence of Arabia and I don't know what they are called(!)

We see that new ideological values such as the nation-state project, human rights and equality, and secularism that emerged with the French Revolution are used viciously (aggressively) by the British intelligence. British intelligence officer Hampher[3], was sent to Basra, made very important determinations and reported those to the headquarters: 1. Muslims are extremely devoted themselves to Islam. 2. Muslims regard the religion, Islam, as sacred. So, we cannot say that religion has left you behind. 3. When the Ottomans and Iran notice what we have done, the project will ruin. 4. We were extremely uncomfortable with Islamic scholars. Because the scholars of Istanbul and Al-Azhar, the scholars of Iraq and the religious scholars of Damascus were insurmountable obstacles to our ambitions. Sunnis are not as dependent on scholars as Shiites.

What's the intelligence headquarters doing when they get this report? In order to divide the Islamic geography, Great Turan (Turkish unity) for Turks, Panarabism for Arabs, Great Kurdistan for Kurds, Great Armenia for Armenians, Panhellenism (Megalo idea) for Greeks, Panslavism for Slavs, Greater Albania for the Albanians, independent Bulgaria for the Bulgarians, Separate nation-state projects are carried out for Montenegro, Slovenia and Romania. In order to provide information support to these projects, it organizes (orientalist) expeditions called “Getting to Know the East”. Thousands of spies who know local languages and work on the religion of Islam are trained. These spies spread from Morocco to South Africa, from Africa to Yemen, from Yemen to Indonesia, from Indonesia to India, from India to Central Asia, from Central Asia to Iran and Ottoman lands, like insect invasion they occupy everywhere. This swarm of locusts comes with such great promises that they stand in favor of the truth, goodness and humanity that it is impossible to understand their true intentions!

David George Hogarth, Director of the Middle East Branch of British Intelligence, conducts intelligence studies in the Middle East, his men such as Aubrey Herbert and Irvine Shakespear work on the independence of Arabs, Yemenis and Albanians. The main slogan uttered by all these intelligence agents is the great kingdom of the Arabs, the great Arab caliph, the great Yemen, the united free great Albania.

In this part of our article, the British Intelligence's plan for great Albania, from Trieste to Sofia, from Epirus to the Adriatic Sea, from the Adriatic to the Aegean Sea, covers an area as large as the Great Albania(!?) issue, I will express the issue without adding a word from Wikipedia, in their own words:

“Herbert visited the country in 1907, 1911 and 1913, becoming a passionate advocate of Albanian independence. (i.e. the British Intelligence Director) became friends with Essad Pasha[4](10) during his stay in Tirana (1913). When Albanian delegates arrived at the 1912-13 London Balkan Peace Conference, they enlisted Herbert's help as an advisor. He fought very actively for his cause and is considered to have had a significant impact on Albania's success in achieving eventual independence in the resulting Treaty of London (1913). One of his regular correspondents on Albania was Edith Durham. He was twice offered the Albanian throne. In the first case in 1914, just before the outbreak, he dealt with the World War I, but a family friend, Prime Minister H.H. Asquith, dissuaded him. The offer remained unofficial and was rejected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Albanian crown went to William of Wied. “

“The second event for which the crown was offered was in September 1920, after the Italian Army was defeated by the Albanians. Again, although the offer was made on behalf of the Albanian Government, it was unofficial. Herbert pursued the idea of perhaps acting under the banner of the League of Nations, discussing the proposal with Philip Kerr and Maurice Hankey; Herbert's friend, Eric Drummond, had been its first secretary-general, and his lobbying led to Albania's admission to the League of Nations in December 1920. With the change of foreign ministers in the Albanian Government, Herbert's chances of getting the crown were greatly reduced. In April 1921 the crown was offered, even more informally, to the Duke of Atholl by Jim Barnes, a British Friends of Albania residing in Italy.”[5](11)

Conclusion: Aubrey Herbert, Head of the Eastern Branch of British Intelligence, working with the promise of Greater Albania in an area of more than 300 thousand square kilometers, prevented the Albanians from fighting together with the Ottomans in the Balkan Wars[6]. (12) After the Ottomans withdrew from the Balkans, the British intelligence, which made a lot of intrigue, established a tiny Albania on a land the size of Kayseri[7] (13), leaving the Albanians in 5 different states and divided it. (Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia) was offered the Duke of Atholl by Jim Barnes as described above (Wikipedia). In other words, they are eliminating Essad Toptani and Ahmet Zago Efendi by appointing a so-called Albanian friend from Infidel Nation to the Albanian Kingdom. A complete English type “Great Albania Project”. That’s not all. In the following years, they brought a communist ideology called Enver Hoxha, who had nothing to do with Islam and teaching (Being a Hodja), to power with a communist ideology (his views are “Hoxhaism”, just like Leninism), so efforts to break Albanians from Islam began[8] (14). He is such a paranoid person that he rules the whole country like a prison [9](15) and has 750 thousand bunkers built all over Albania in order to be protected from external threats. He prohibited the use of motor vehicles in the country and encouraged the use of horse-drawn carriages. All the ignorance were practiced against a Muslim community in the 20th century in front of the whole world. Enver Hoxha isolated Albania from religion and faith and took it to the stone age. Such ignorance and anti-human practices are not possible without British intelligence and Jewish Masonic organizations. The main goal of these practices was to completely cut off Turkey from the Balkans, to isolate it from Islam.

In our next article, we will continue with the Great Arabia project.


[1] (Date Accessed: October 14, 2021)

[2] İngiliz Casusunun İtirafları, (Çev. M. Sıddık Gümüş) Hakikat Kitapevi. İstanbul.2020

[3] According to Hempher, there are nine other agents with the same characteristics in different regions at the same time in the Ottoman Geography. (

[4] Esad Toptani participated in the Siege of Scutari during the Balkan War. He played an important role in the capture of Scutari by the Montenegrin army by killing the commander of the castle, Hasan Rıza Pasha.

[5] (Date Accessed: October 17, 2021)

[6] Since the Albanian bandits who assassinated Hasan Rıza Pasha were Esad Pasha's men, we see that it is a British work.

[7] 28 thousand square kilometers. Ahmet Zogo was in the Albanian independence movement.

[8] Enver Hoxha, who made Albania the first official atheist state in the world, tried to completely distance his country from religion. He destroyed almost all mosques in Albania from the Ottoman Era. He did the same for the churches. This harsh attitude towards religions was also evident in the education system. For example, young students were shown models of priests and imams and introduced as 'liars who exploit the public’. (Date Accessed: October 15, 2021) The building, which was built as a mausoleum for him while he was alive, is used as a gym today. Men whom God does not care about are not worthy of a grave when the day comes.

[9] Idriz Llukaj (64), who spent 30 years of his life under Enver Hoxha rule, tells Euronews that “with his death, he feels like a prisoner who has been released from prison”.

Read 483 times Last modified on Monday, 10 January 2022 09:08
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