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Friday, 23 December 2022 15:52

On Turkiye-Afghanistan Relations

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Afghanistan is the heart of Asia in terms of geopolitical and geostrategic aspects. It is a country located between continents and regions. It means peace and tranquility around its peace, tranquility and prosperity, as well as in Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan), Pakistan and Iran. It is at a crossroads for entry and exit from Afghanistan, Central Asia, the Indian Ocean and the Middle East. It is an enormous virgin region with resources of copper, oil, lithium, uranium still waiting to be discovered.

In order for Afghanistan to be able to develop industrially, economically and socially without a fish caught in the hook of imperialism, it needs to leave the USA and take the people behind it and embrace all segments.

The Taliban ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001. After 2001, the American invasion took place and removed the Taliban from the administration. There is an occupation that continues until 2019 and there is an anti-imperialist struggle against it, and the fact that some mistakes are still being made by the Taliban confirms the thought that no lessons have been learned from past mistakes.

In 2021, the US forces did not leave Afghanistan, even though it seemed like they had withdrawn from the country hastily, they just withdrew their army. The occupation continues by changing shape. It left the UAE as a political force in its place. It plays a role in certain key parts of the country. The UAE's main strategy in Afghanistan is based on preventing the Turkish-Qatar presence. Therefore, the presence of the UAE threatens the Turkish existence. If no initiative is taken in this regard, the Turkish presence in Afghanistan will suffer.

Taliban-US Relations:

The US withdrew from Afghanistan as a result of long negotiations with the Taliban. The withdrawal was based on certain conditions. The USA said to the Taliban, “You will do whatever I want. If you listen to my words, I will help you”. As a result of this agreement, it provides financial support of $ 1.7 billion, on the other hand, it keeps the Taliban under control by managing UN aid.

Therefore, we can easily say that ‘The USA brought the Taliban to power.’

It is a fact that the USA has no intention of withdrawing from Afghanistan, it continues its existence through the UAE. So much so that the U.S. Congress wants the U.S. government to publicly disclose its relationship with the Taliban. But for now, it does not disclose it.

The reason for the US presence in Afghanistan is China. There is World domination within China's 2049 vision. The way to this domination is to spread its economic, political and military power to the west. This effort of China pushes the USA to be in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is located in the geoeconomic and geostrategic hinterland of China, as it is on the transit route to both the West and the Middle East and the Indian Ocean. The USA does not want to lose its power in Asia. It needs Afghanistan to be able to fight against China and Russia in Central Asia. Just as it brought Ukraine to war to exist in Eastern Europe, it needs Taiwan and Afghanistan to exist in Asia.

China is a global factory. The most ideal route to deliver the goods it produces to the world markets starts from its western neighbors, Afghanistan, and ends in Afghanistan - Iran - Türkiye - EU. By being in Afghanistan, the USA wants to cut off China's route where it started.

Recently, Taliban-US talks have been taking place more frequently. The talks took place in Qatar. The Taliban thinks they can stay in power by making some concessions to the United States. However, this is not possible. Once you're hooked on imperialism, you are done.

The amount of dollars the US has printed in the last 3 years is at a terrible level, more than ever since the first dollar was printed. It prints the dollar free of charge and condemns the countries to itself with the masses of paper. The goal of the United States is to stay in Afghanistan. The Taliban's goal is to gain worldwide recognition and economic distress. The United States, in its negotiations with the Taliban, wanted to keep two bases belonging to it. The Taliban had to make concessions for the sake of serious economic difficulties and world recognition.

Taliban-Türkiye Relations:

When the USA withdrew, there was an impression that Afghanistan-Türkiye relations would develop in every field. In fact, Türkiye was going to undertake the operation and protection of the capital airport. But then another situation arose. The reason for this is the wrong explanations made at that time. These statements were understood as “the United States has allowed Türkiye”. At that time, while there was a trilateral meeting between Qatar-Türkiye-Afghanistan, the UAE took over the situation and took most of the airport services. Today, three airports in the country are managed by the UAE. This is because it provides some services for free.

The relations between Afghanistan and Türkiye have always been brotherly in the historical process. Today, it should be revived. Relations should be developed as Türkiye-Azerbaijan-Qatar-Malaysia-Indonesia. This axis should subsequently be moved to the Organization of Turkic States.

Taliban-Qatar-Türkiye Relations:

Meanwhile, the Taliban are trying to establish relations and get closer with Qatar, and meetings are held frequently in this context. But the Taliban are careful to remain at the level of cooperation rather than full surrender.

Türkiye should take Afghanistan seriously and be there at any cost. It is extremely important that the Taliban meet with the Turkish Presidency of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of International Islamic Scholars.

Türkiye was late on Afghanistan. Although the UAE is increasing its influence day by day, Türkiye-Afghanistan relations can be improved. Türkiye should make different methods and moves that will bring Afghanistan closer to itself. Our government should establish close contact with NGOs close to us. There are conspiratorial structures in Afghanistan that see the AK Party and our President as the eunuch of the Ummah. Relationships should be established with them.

As in the case of Azerbaijan, Türkiye must support Afghanistan, but in Afghanistan, like Azerbaijan, it must surrender to Türkiye. If Türkiye displays the same approach, it will give this support. While giving, it does not expect any benefits like the western powers and their collaborators in the region.

On the other hand, even the Organization of Islamic Cooperation does not recognize the Taliban administration. Türkiye should make an effort in this regard.

Taliban-UAE Relations:

As we mentioned above, the USA maintains its presence in Afghanistan through the UAE. In Syria, the terrorist organization continues its existence openly through the PKK, and in Afghanistan covertly through its UAE. The UAE is the “proxy state” of the USA in Afghanistan.

The worst part is that the Taliban only rely on UAE intelligence. They work with UAE Intelligence. They analyze Türkiye through the UAE. They think that Türkiye is doing intelligence in Afghanistan through IHH. For this reason, it limits and complicates the entry of even IHH units into Afghanistan. Even though 7 months have passed, IHH's Afghanistan representative does not issue a visa.

With its black propaganda, the UAE is spreading that Türkiye has infiltrated ISIS militants in Syria to Afghanistan to be used against the Taliban. It is trying to prevent the Türkiye-Qatar coalition in Afghanistan in every field and does not want both countries in Afghanistan.

The country's three most important airports are managed by the UAE. The fact that the capital Kabul Airport is controlled by a UAE-owned Security Company is a great problem. Unfortunately, the Taliban government was pushed into the arms of the United States by the UAE. The Türkiye-Qatar activity was disrupted by the UAE. The UAE has earned this role by providing many services for free. And it has promised to give many more jobs for free.

Taliban's practices:

The Taliban do not accept partners in power. They do not want other factions in the government. They exclude all segments. This makes it difficult to establish peace and harmony in the country. If the Taliban embraced all segments, things would be fine...

In order for the Taliban to find popularity and response in large sections of the public, it should ensure internal peace by applying the policy that embraces everyone and every segment, which the AK Party has implemented in the last two decades. Otherwise, the anti-imperialist struggle that has been waged for more than forty years will lose its meaning, and the country will face the danger of becoming a fish in the hook of imperialism. God forbid…

The biggest problem of the Taliban is that they do not embrace and do not trust different groups with the concern of “whether it will be harmful”. While this undermines confidence and stability inside, it reflects on the outside world as a distorted system image.  


Türkiye should not break off contact with the Taliban. It should increase its influence with all our institutions and organizations (Religious, Foreign Affairs, other government institutions, NGOs) in order to prevent the UAE from gaining more initiative. We should take a leading role in developing relations with Islamic countries and the Organization of Turkic States. Türkiye should negotiate directly with the Taliban, and mutual representations should be started.

That’s it!


Read 155 times Last modified on Wednesday, 31 May 2023 09:34