Tuesday, 22 July 2014 00:00

Cursing Israel, Immediate Support for Gaza Press Conference (July 22, 2014)

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İDSB İsrail'i Tel'in Gazze'ye destek basın açıklaması İDSB İsrail'i Tel'in Gazze'ye destek basın açıklaması 22 Temmuz 2014 MÜSİAD Toplantı Salonu

A press conference on “Cursing Israel, Immediate Support for Gaza” was held by The Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW) and Foundation of Volunteer Organizations of Turkey (TGTV) on Tuesday, July 22, 2014.

At the press conference held at Independent Industrialists and Businessmen Association (MUSIAD) Headquarters, representatives from UNIW and TGTV member organizations took the floor and evaluated what happened.

At the beginning of the meeting, UNIW Secretary General Atty. Ali Kurt made the following press statement:

Esteemed members of the press, directors of our non-governmental organizations,

Today on our agenda we have a Palestine whose lands have been unfairly occupied and at least twice the population of the country has been made refugees abroad.

We are talking about the heroic Palestine, defying and resisting against the indifference of the whole world, with inhumane practices that every sensitive person should reject, being subjected to uninterrupted state terror and open genocide.

On our agenda is Gaza, which has been transformed into an open prison surrounded by walls, and under the embargo and blockade that has been going on for years, the veins of life have been cut and left to be the target of murderer bullets day after day without treating unequally children, women or civilians in front of the eyes of the free world.

Despite the fact that the Palestinian side did not take charge, and especially Hamas, who was declared guilty by prejudice, he made many statements that he was not involved in the action, the unclear who did it was, as always, it has become a simple excuse for Israel to attack.

After more than a thousand Palestinians were arrested on unsubstantiated charges in the West Bank region, the multi-directional attacks launched on July 7, 2014, increased its pace and it has been two weeks.

It is no coincidence that this massacre came across with a period in which Palestine achieved the compromise we missed for long years,  attacks of external enemies and the betrayals of traitors inside were ended, and the forces of evil clearly expressed their discomfort with this union.

The total conviction of two million people in Gaza by an extrajudicial execution, and the brutal genocide of children is never acceptable.

Before the blood of the innocent Palestinian child who was murdered by forcing them to drink gasoline has dried up, we reject the insensitivity of Western countries that remind them of similar dirty past in their own history and the right to defend this inhuman attack.

The murderers, who have no morals and boundaries, with their attacks that have lost themselves under international unlimited support, aim to completely maul the people of Gaza and to prevent them from recovering for a long time with massive damage of billions of dollars.

Unfortunately, we do not even have the opportunity to give the resulting figures as "the last situation", as new ones are added every day to the number of hundreds of dead and thousands of injured.

The vast majority of attacks are against civilian targets. The majority of those killed and injured are civilians. How do innocent children who were murdered with the chocolate they could not eat while they were playing with their toys not aching your conscience?

How can we be insensitive to the photographs of mothers and innocent women who were murdered in front of their children at the table while holding spoon to break her fast?

Today, we are faced with a terrorist state that has made it a habit of killing children on the beaches with open bombardments in the 21st century, it is a civilian massacre that even merciful and righteous Jews oppose.

Israel is actually attacking all of us, the sacred values of the entire Islamic world, by attacking Gaza during the holy days of Ramadan. Destroyed mosques, schools and hospitals; On what grounds can the shooting of paramedics and press members on duty be defended?

Around twenty thousand houses were partially or completely destroyed in the attacks aimed at destroying the entire infrastructure and service buildings of Gaza. More than fifty thousand people have once again become homeless refugees in their homeland.

In many regions, people are completely deprived of healthy water drinking opportunities. The hit of wastewater mains caused serious hygiene problems in the region. With the aim of destroying the food resources of the people, the agricultural areas are being hit in a planned way and the activities of the fishermen are blocked.

Under the leadership of UNIW/TGTV, we organized a meeting with the officials of our non-governmental organizations that support this action plan in order to put into effect an emergency action plan to awaken all consciences that bear responsibility in the face of the brutality, massacre and unlimited destruction.

At the end of the meeting, we decided to call our esteemed people as well as local and international authorized bodies on the following issues:

  1. This disproportionate use of force, which is an attack on all human values of Israel, must be prevented immediately, the UN must be the voice of the international conscience just for once and fulfill its responsibility. The bloodshed and brutal destruction must be stopped as soon as possible, and an urgent and fair ceasefire must be established under international supervision.
  2. The blockade on Gaza, which has been ongoing since 2006 and has been turned into an open-air prison, should be lifted unconditionally and without delay.
  3. All kinds of convenience and confidence should be provided at the point of urgent humanitarian aid and health services for thousands of people injured and victimized during attacks. In this context, especially the Egyptian government should open the Rafah Border Crossing as soon as possible and seriously injured patients should be evacuated from Gaza. As NGOs, we invite our esteemed people to give stronger support to the ongoing aid and the humanitarian aid campaign we have launched for Gaza.
  4. The Palestinians, who were deprived of their liberty by Israel's arbitrary arrest campaign, must be liberated immediately.
  5. Without neglecting the legal aspect of the incident, we will address the fact that Israel has committed war crimes with these attacks and the methods it uses with its aggressive attitude, and we will follow this injustice until the criminals are held accountable before the judiciary.
  6. The UN, OSCE and relevant international law and decision-making mechanisms should fulfill their duty, and accordingly, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and the Arab League should actively step in.
  7. We condemn the silence of the governments of many countries in the Islamic world against this persecution, we invite them to oppose this injustice and to stop the massacre.
  8. Emphasizing that providing economic support to Israeli aggression means being a part of a crime, we want to turn the reaction against these massacres into a civil society solidarity. For this purpose, as NGOs, we support the "We will not provide ammunition" campaign, which was initiated by selecting brands that do not hide their support for aggressive attitude, and we invite all sensitive people to stand up for this boycott.
  9. We expect the support of our esteemed media, to mobilize sensitive people against the information pollution that Israel conducts with its accomplices in order to justify itself in its aggressive attitude and to blame the victims.

We expect all media officials who take the principle of access to accurate information and respect human rights to contribute to this sensitivity in order to announce the campaigns to heal the wounds of the victims and to spread the mass sensitivity that aims to take a stand against the aggressive attitude of the occupant.

With these feelings and thoughts, we thank all of you for your support, once again we declare that we are not neutral in this struggle and that we will stand by our brothers and sisters until the free Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital is established.

After the statement of Ali Kurt; Eyüp Akbal, Vice President of TGTV and Vice President of MUSIAD said:

"For the last two weeks, agricultural land infrastructure services and health centers have become unable to use. Palestine has faced the cooperation of sovereign states and Israel. Palestine should gain the status of an independent state. We invite our mechanisms to act to fulfill our responsibility in the Middle East."

International Jurists Union (UHUB) Secretary General Atty. Necati Ceylan said:

"Dear participants, people are massacring before the eyes of the whole world. Speaking of human rights, the West was throwing people to lions in the middle ages, Gaza, which became a prison in the modern age, is in the same direction. The right to life and all incontestable rights are violated. Environmental rights advocates remain silent while children and women are massacred in Gaza. The UN International Criminal Count in Hague appears to be a means of exploitation of the global sovereign powers."

Necmi Sadıkoğlu, Honorary President of UNIW, said the following about what happened in Gaza:

"We have held conferences as TGTV and UNIW many times. We held extensive meetings on Palestine, press conferences and aid campaigns. Today, unfortunately there is no support from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Arab League and Islamic countries in the face of these events. As 57 Islamic countries why we are not the most developed but the most underdeveloped countries. We have to correct ourselves in the issues we fall behind, and the only solution to stand up is to be one body, to ensure unity.

Yeryüzü Doktorları President of Board of Directors Kerem KINIK took the floor at the meeting and said:

"Today, the occupied territories West Bank and Gaza are experiencing a complete disaster. In addition to Palestinians who gave birth, tried to reach the hospital and died in the Checkpoints, 1.8 million refugees are experiencing a disaster.

We see the civilian points got shot. 583 martyrs, at least 10 percent of women are pregnant, so their babies in their womb have also been martyred. The number of destroyed houses has reached 90 thousand. The number of asylum seekers is increasing day by day.

1.2 million of the 1.8 million people of Gaza cannot reach water supplies. The waste water and drinking water network is not working. Mosques, schools and hospitals are targeted. 25 people from the same family passed away yesterday. These people who are attacked and persecuted will appear before us as disabled and in need of medical care in the future.

As NGOs and humanitarian organizations, we seek your assistance in directing medicines and medical supplies. Rafah Border Crossing will be opened for a certain period of time."

Hüseyin Oruç Deputy President of Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) made the following speech:

I want to highlight two things. As IHH, we have been in Palestine for many years. Currently, our teams are helping people and orphans who have been forced to flee their homes. During the Operation Cast Lead, our teams were in Gaza and we established an important office there.

Palestine is doing whatever it has to and for the first time Israel has a taste of what the war is. I hope this war does not come to the extent of an Operation Cast Lead. But at that time, Israel did not lose any soldier. Currently, Israel lost 25 soldiers and Hamas lost 50 soldiers.

Palestinians do their part, but the world does not speak up. We have not been as much as Chile and Venezuela. Of course, Turkey is at an important point in supporting Palestine.

One of the most painful things in Mavi Marmara was that dual citizens were doing military service in Israel. Today we learned that Turkey has accepted dual citizenship with Israel, and as a result, those who served in Israel did not have to do it in Turkey. This situation needs to be resolved.

Mustafa Koca, President of the Anadolu Aslanları Businessmen Association (ASKON), said:

"It should be well known that there is no justice from the gang. Palestine is used as the R&D center of the arms industry. As a state, we must minimize our relations with Israel and teach them a lesson the world does not teach. We have no friends but us. We did not have that much unity and solidarity until yesterday. We have to thank you for creating this picture again.”

Nawaf Tekruri, Secretary General of the Union of Palestinian Scholars, took the floor on behalf of the Palestinians and made the following speech:

"The occupying Zionist troops want to destroy the Palestinian life resources with their operations. It started this operation very easily, but unexpected events started to occur with a prepared resistance and mujahids. It turned out that in fact, it could not do anything.

It is clear that this operation could not harm the resistance. The resistance has taught Israel a lesson with its soldiers and mujahids. Hospitals, infrastructures, children, women are being shot by Israel but it does not harm the resistance. 85 percent of the martyrs consist of civilians. We hope that Allah will lead the resistance to victory.

I would like to thank NGOs all over the Islamic world and these distinguished organizations for their support. I hope we will reach the time when Gaza and Palestine reached their freedom together."

Ahmet Ağırakça:

Europe, the pioneering Zionist state and all the killers have come together. Unfortunately, Arab leaders are also trying to destroy the Gaza and Palestinian case by following them.

When we carry it from 1967 to the present day, we see different reactions to the case even today. Today, this case is adopted. While collaborator Arab states used to work with Israel, Islamic countries now work to save Palestine and al-Aqsa Mosque.
When I look at the historical course, we see that the Palestinian cause is gaining more power every day, and a handful of mujahids in Gaza are fighting for Islam like in the battle of Badr. With Allah’s permission, success will be achieved.

It is reported that in the coming years, the Jews will experience a disaster in the 76th year of the state, as mentioned in their holy book.
On the way to 2023, the Islamic resistance movement will gain great strength. I believe this and say that we must continue our support by sending half of our food there.

Zekeriya Kurşun, President of Association of Researchers on the Middle East and Africa (ORDAF) said:

A force that exists with the anxiety and fear of extinction is killing innocent people there. It is necessary to be very careful when describing this murder. There is no such war as disproportionate power. Here, a battle is ongoing between the cornered innocent people and the evil troops which uses the latest warfare technologies.

Therefore, it is very meaningful that we support battling people with our discourses and assets. I was reminded of an interview al-Husseini published in Turkish newspapers. “Just the support of Turkey enough for us!” his words made headlines in the newspapers. After many years, this demand has been realized here once again.

President of AKV, Burhanettin Can:

The phrase "New Crusades" was used by Bush when the twin towers were hit. The incoming process is a continuation of this. This fight is not between Muslims and non-Muslims, but between the poor and the rich. The struggle should not be restricted to Islam.

We must distinguish between Jews and Zionists well; we are enemies of Zionists. The basic assumptions of Zionism are about the promised land. There is an assumption called ethnic cleansing that is done on purpose.

For a Zionist state means “Israel”. No matter where s/he is in the world, every person who adopts this idea feels loyal to the Zionist state. It is necessary to correctly evaluate the claims of the secret world state.

Many minorities have prevailed over the majority, with the permission of Allah.

ASSAM Board of Directors Member, Ersan Ergür:

I want to offer a single solution on a state-by-state basis. That is, all states with a Muslim nation should strengthen their military structures as a priority and urgent task. Therefore, a modernized Palestinian army is needed.

President of Yardımeli Association, Sadık Danışman:

The Pharaoh had only attempted to slaughter men. They have been killing both children and mothers in the occupied Palestinian lands since 1945.

Sensitive countries like Turkey and Qatar should open representatives in Gaza starting from today.

President of Deniz Feneri, Atty. Mehmet Cengiz:

Israel is an unofficial child formed by the UN 65-66 years ago. Israel is organized as a terrorist organization and is constantly committing massacres at the point of the occupation of Jerusalem and hurting the conscience of the Islamic world.

Condemnation campaigns should be launched all over Turkey. Boycotts against brands that support Israel should be supported.

Everybody says that Israel is a terrorist state. Then no Israeli citizens should be able to enter Turkey easily.

Companies that help Zionists among brands of Israel in Turkey should be identified and criminal complaints should be filed against them.

President of TGTV, Hamza Akbulut:

Israel is an artificial state. It is like a "Trojan horse" inserted into the Islamic world.

The West stands behind Israel with all its power and what happened is not reflected in the world public opinion.

Akbulut, referring to the power of the Jewish lobby in the world, said, "The media sector is in the control of the Jews. They also dominate the economic power of the world. Thanks to our valuable Anadolu Agency, we have chance to know what is done in Palestine. Palestine and Jerusalem issue is the problem of the whole Islamic world."

At the end of the meeting, Secretary General of UNIW Atty. Ali Kurt stated that a national aid campaign will be launched in Gaza, boycotts against Israel's supporters will be carried out and international decision-making mechanisms will be pressured as NGOs.


Quoted from: http://idsb.org/tr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=916:sraili-telin-gazzeye-acil-destek-basn-toplants&catid=1:haberler&Itemid=2

Read 1284 times Last modified on Thursday, 11 February 2021 11:07
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