Tuesday, 31 December 2019 00:00

Press Release Regarding the Abused “Mahdi” Discourse

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Dear Members of our Visual, Audio and Written Media,

Some discourses and actions that have been turned into a smear campaign about myself and ASSAM “Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center” and SADAT “International Defense Consultancy Inc.”, of which I am the founder, based on the news and comments in our press that cause misunderstandings, are also heavily on the agenda in our press.

ASSAM “Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center” is a non-governmental organization that conducts intellectual research, which was established to present an ISLAMIC UNION MODEL for administrators by researching the institutions necessary for the gathering of Islamic countries under a will and the legislation that these institutions should have.

Seven “INTERNATIONAL ASSAM ISLAMIC UNION CONGRESSES” has been planned by our studies center, which was formed its intellectual infrastructure until 2017, to be held one congress every year, the first of which have been in 2017. The Congresses held in 2017, 2018 and 2019 and the final reports and declarations published at the end of the congress can be accessed on the ASSAM WEB Site, under the link of the ‘Congresses’”https://www.assamcongress.com/tr/”.

“ASRICA (ASIA-AFRICA) COMMON DEFENSE INDUSTRY PRODUCTION”, which was planned to determine the Common Defense Industry Production Opportunities and Methods of Islamic Countries and was carried out on 19-20 December 2019, with the opening and closing speeches of the “3rd International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress” and MY DISCOURSES IN THE INTERVIEWS MADE DURING THE CONGRESS IS ABUSED.

THIS DISCOURSE was to convey a memory within the scope that I have presented below, in order to CRITICIZE that the Islamic Countries do not work for alliance.

“When we meet with Islamic scholars around the world, we get answers to our questions as follows.

►        I ask “Will there be an Islamic Union?”

►        My interlocutor says “It will.”

►        I ask “How will it be?”

►        My interlocutor says “When Mahdi (pbuh) comes”

►        I ask “When will Mahdi (pbuh) come?

►        My interlocutor says "only Allah knows when".

In response to these answers, “Well, is not there anything we are responsible to do? Will Allah send Mahdi (pbuh) before we prepare everything?” After our dialogue, which I express my reaction to the insensitivity of the Islamic World for alliance, HAS BEEN CONSCIOUSLY OR UNCONSCIOUSLY INTERPRETED UNFAVORABLY. The reason why I tell this dialogue at every opportunity is to point out that the Islamic World should wake up from heedlessness and take refuge in the excuse of waiting for the Mahdi, and strive for the Islamic Union.

In our Congress, which was attended by nearly 200 representatives of 45 countries from five continents, 48 declarations were presented in line with the purpose of the Congress. Exciting academics and audiences has become the goal of the Congress. The final declaration of this congress will be shared with the public opinion after the work of our Board of Science and Administration on the declarations is completed.

The aim of ASSAM is to present a MODEL for Islamic Union that can be applied today with its government and institutions in the light of Modern State understanding and Islamic law.

In the DECLARATION we published after our First Congress with the Theme of “Government Forms from the Past to the Future” for the Islamic Union;

While suggesting that there should be a Ministry of Islamic Union in every Islamic Country and the Establishment of the PARLIAMENT OF ISLAMIC COUNTRIES, in which Islamic Countries are Represented, we have placed a MODEL Constitution Draft which consists of 181 articles and 63 pages on our WEBSITE.

As ASSAM, we have stated that NINE REGIONAL FEDERATIONS and a CONFEDERAL structure formed by these regional Islamic Federations without changing the national borders and structure of 61 Islamic Countries (27 Asia, 28 Africa, 4 Europe, 2 South America) on the ASRICA pivot, according to their ethnic and geographical proximity. It seems possible to establish the ISLAMIC UNION by gathering under a will.

In the DECLARATION we published after our Second Congress on Islamic Economy and Economic Systems, we proposed Briefly;

►        Establishment of a customs union between Islamic countries,

►        Establishment a common market between Islamic countries,

►        The acceptance of monetary union between Islamic countries,

►        Establishment of trade zones between the members of the Union,

►        To give zakat institution an institutional identity under the control of states as a common fund,


►        Establishment of the Chamber of Commerce, Commercial Courts and Foundations affiliated to the Union,

►        Creation of the Islamic electronic dinar currency (ASRICA Dinar),

►        Creation of Common Market and joint production and R&D incentive fund,

►        Resource planning work with the common investment fund,

►        Establishment of joint organization for R&D and Innovation activities,

►        Establishment of  cooperatives-cooperation systems between Islamic countries in the mining, energy, agriculture, transportation and telecommunication and food sectors of Islamic countries and supporting Islamic financial institutions,


►        Taking measures to increase foreign trade volume among member countries,

►        Establishment of trade centers, signing preferential trade agreements between Islamic countries,

►        Developing cultural affinity between Islamic countries in the combination of language, religion and history, establishing a strong political will,

ASSAM has a MISSION that cares importance to consultation, emphasizes the will of the people and ASSAM wants the establishment of a Democratic system for the Islamic Union and tries to put forward a MODEL in line with these principles.

Those who do not agree with our findings can form new models by presenting their alternatives.

We said “ASRICA Islamic States Union is a Confederate Republic”, someone else might say “It is a Federal Presidency”. New models may emerge with similar alternative proposals.

As the members of ASSAM and myself as the head of this center, we are not people who believe in superstitions, who are lunatic, have a mentality that does not have sound religious creeds. Those who think so and some people who are not aware of ASSAM's extensive work are doing injustice to us and our activities.

As ASSAM, our work is carried out entirely as a Civil Society Initiative.

Our President did not have any directives regarding the planning, execution and outcome of our Congress, nor did he have any advice or influence on our work.

I kindly submit to the consideration of our nation.

DECEMBER 31, 2019


Click on the link below to view the text of the disclaimer “THE LEGAL PROCESS REGARDING THE ABUSED MAHDI DISCOURSE HAS STARTED”.



Click on the link below to view the text of the disclaimer “PRESS RELEASE REGARDING THE ABUSED MAHDI DISCOURSE” in the attachment.

Read 1055 times Last modified on Monday, 15 August 2022 17:26
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