Tuesday, 02 April 2024 10:17

UNSC Resolution for Ceasefire in Gaza: Israeli Attacks and Atrocities Continue Unabated

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Israel continues to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza, despite the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution for immediate ceasefire. Moreover, it is using its blockade to stop any humanitarian aid to reach up to Gazan people who are besieged and cramped up in south Gazan. Israe has already killed more than thirty-two thousand innocent Gazan Palestinians and injured around one hundred thousand. Gaza has been devastated, and destroyed, making it inhabitable. The UNSC is responsible to maintain international peace and security. The UN agencies have declared Gaza unsuitable for human life due to manmade disaster and catastrophe perpetrated by Israel.

Such acts of genocide, ethnic cleansing and blockade of water, food, and medicine, which has exacerbated on going catastrophe, are clear ‘War Crimes’ committed by Israel in last five and a half months. The matter was taken up by International Court of Justice (ICJ), which issued clear verdict that Israel must avoid any action that leads to a genocide. Israel has flouted ICJ’s directions blatantly. How could Israel be so arrogant, egoistical, and insensitive. The answer is very simple. The (so called) international community, especially the big powers are either, accomplices to these crimes or are complacent and indifferent to the plight of Gazan Palestinians. Of course, the answer is both, depending upon the way we wish to analyse.

Response of the Muslim world id totally disappointing and disgraceful. Lesser said is better. In brief, they are divided, disunited, fragmented, powerless, perplexed, confused, and suffering from fear, anxiety, chaos, and anarchy. Most of this consternation is of their own doing. Due to prolonged slavery under Western colonization, and loss of political centrality after fall of Ottoman Empire, the Western powers divided them into artificial states. Now, they only think of their respective survival even at the cost of ignoring extreme harm caused to other Muslims. 

The fact remains that most of the rulers in the Muslim world do not even care for the true feelings, emotions, and sentiments of the Muslim populace at large. There is a great gulf of perceptions and perspectives. The rulers consider the ruled as their subjects and subservient. The masses consider their rulers as agents of global political architecture, the existing World order. Most of them, who are usually despots, (so called) kings and amirs, (former or current) military generals, and artificially created politicians etc., are there because no real democracy exists in the Muslim World. Unfortunate, the clergy (religious scholars) are also responsible for such dismal situation as they have never supported or advocated egalitarianism and independent political thought process in the Muslim countries. The result is perpetual servitude of erstwhile Western colonial and imperial masters, who impose such compliant rulers upon the Muslims. It is quite easy to deal with one acquiescent, submissive, and obedient ruler, who is dependent upon his master for his survival, security, safety, and perpetuation. Therefore, there is no resistance, no defiance, no confrontation, no disagreement, and no resilience. Total submissions and total surrender. Unchecked, unhindered control, total hegemony, and domination over natural resources on land, water and in the air. Anyone who dares to challenge, teach him / her a lesson. At minimum, a regime change, but no hesitation or reluctance for physical elimination, if required. Many new aspirants, who will be more compliant, will emerge to serve better. Under these circumstances, where and to whom the besieged, cordoned, threatened, and terrorised Gazans should look for help and assistance. Only Allah, no one else.

Under the existing global system, the UNSC is responsible to protect the victims of war and aggression, on behalf of all the member states. This is called “Collective Security.” Under Chater Six, the UNSC may investigate any dispute and makes recommendations to the parties with a view to a pacific settlement of the dispute. This process is applicable to a fresh dispute. As far as Arab – Israel and Israel – Palestine conflict is concerned it is an old dispute. The UNSC has remained engaged with this dispute since its inception in 1945. Numerous resolutions have been passed. The most important one is regarding creation of an independent Palestinian State, right of the Palestinian refugees to return to their motherland, and Israel to vacate all lands that constitute the Palestine State.

In addition to UNSC resolutions, there are numerous international Accords and Agreements that clearly support creation of Palestine State under the agreed concept of ‘Two Staes Solution.’ Israel has not only defied all such demands by the UNSC and international community but has continuously and systematically killed the Palestinians, forcibly evicted them from their lands, destroying their villages and orchards, and has expanded its Jewish settlements on designated land for Palestine, and in West Bank, Gaza, and Golan Heights (in Syria), all the territories that Israel has occupied illegally. Of course, it was never possible with active and hypocritical facilitation and abetment of the United States and tacit approval and support of other major European powers. The passive participation and lack of interest and apathy by Muslim countries, especially by immediate Arab neighbours, and internal friction and infighting of various Palestinian factions, cannot be absolved of their culpability and failure in this regard.

When there is a clear aggression, the UNSC must act under Chapter 7 and decide what measures shall be taken to maintain or restore international peace and security. It needs to approve a “Peace Enforcement Mission” that should separate the conflicting forces and establish a buffer zone to avoid further escalation and loss of lives. The UNSC has done the same in case many global disputes.

Palestinians in Gaza are under siege for last many decades. Since Hamas took over the control of local administration in June 2007, Israel has imposed inhuman blocked on the narrow strip, controlling all supplies and services. Due to vicious restrictions imposed by Israel, making the lives of Gazan extremely untenable, Hamas reacted on 7 October 2023 and tried to break the open jail on the earth as Gaza is known worldwide. In retaliation, Israel has attacked and completely destroyed Gaza. Now it is using starvation, and hunger as a weapon of war for annihilating the Palestinians from Gaza.

This mascara is going on without any interruption. The UNSC and the international community seems completely helpless because the U.S. is shamelessly and brazenly supporting Israeli war crimes through persistent diplomatic, political, financial, and military support. The high -tech military machine of Israel is builds on the taxpayer’s money of Americans that is doled out to Israeli by successive administration because they need Jewish / Zionist support to win elections. During the ongoing phase of genocide and ethnic cleansing, the U.S. has provided military and financial support of billions of Dollars to Israel.

In addition to military and financial support, the U.S. has vetoed thrice consecutively any effort made by the UNSC to pass a resolution for immediate ceasefire. The U.S. and Israel wanted the UNSC to condemn Hamas for its feeble effort to break the siege. Moreover, they demanded unconditional release of Israeli hostage held by Hamas since 7 October 2023. The U.S. support a temporary ceasefire only that too during Ramadan, allowing Israel to restart its killing after few days. China and Russia have vetoed such conceited and contrived plans.

Ultimately, instead of acting under Chapter 7, UNSC has adopted a much weak and compromised resolution, Resolution 2728 (2024). Fourteen members of the Council voted in favour, whereas the U.S decided to abstain. The ‘Resolution’ “demands an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan - - - leading to a lasting sustainable ceasefire.” It also “demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages”. It emphasized the urgent need to expand the flow of humanitarian assistance to and reinforce the protection of civilians in the entire Gaza Strip”. 

Over one week has passed since adoption of the above-mentioned Resolution but Israel has not implemented any ceasefire. Neither it will. Israeli forces continue to kill as many Palestinians as they wish. They are using the caveat of release of hostage to continue their killing machine and enforce starvation as a lethal weapon of war.

Will UNSC or any other great power be able to stop Israel from committing genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The UNSC is, surely, not capable of doing so. It is totally incapacitated, incapable, and toothless to take any action that is not supported by the U.S. The U.S has no intentions, except some hypocritical and deceitful overtures, to exercise its influence on Israel to force her to stop committing the ‘War Crimes’ even if it damages and destroys the image of the U.S. as a responsible and rational global power.

The UNSC Resolution 2728 (2024) has given a free licence to Israel to launch a full-scale massacre against Gazan Muslims after Ramadan. The international community and human collective conscience do not have much time. There are only few days to respond and to save the face of humanity if it is still there. Israel will use the excuse that their hostages with Hamas have not been released. They will increase the attacks that were never stopped and will not implement a ceasefire. Though it is already too late, yet the humanity must react now, otherwise it will repent for being complacent while the genocide was taking place.

This article was published by Daily Minute Mirror, Lahore, Pakistan on April 2, 2024.

Read 49 times Last modified on Tuesday, 17 December 2024 10:21
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