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None of the changes that determine the historical process occur in a short time; each of them is the result of long-term formations. The eventful history that the last change will change the whole process is a misconception; The myth of great men who changed history also stems from this misconception. From this point of view, there are no magical moments, no magical dates in history, but there are symbolic moments, symbolic histories. There are intersections and turns that determine the concentration points of a process. For example, neither the French Revolution did start with the conquest of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, nor did the Middle Ages end with the conquest of Istanbul on May 29, 1453. All of these are actually symbolic times of radical changes. In different periods of history, there are different turning points. These are experienced in different levels according to the phenomena of time and space, or their effects are felt in different levels. In these periods of change, in the micro dimension starting from the individual, family, society, companies and states in the macro dimension are affected. According to the new situation, these elements take positions as a natural result, they must take positions and they get a reflex of determining their new projections and strategies. Because they need to transform this new situation into a positive effect on a large scale for themselves.

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The terms "insiders" and "outsiders" are common in international relations terminology. Insiders, in other words, residents are a definition given to countries that have established themselves in the international environment and see themselves as normal. Countries defined as outsiders are a definition given to countries that are cowed, who have not been able to put themselves in a status in the international environment and have not been able to establish themselves. For example; Japan has not taken its place, despite its economic power, neither in Asia nor among the great powers of the international system, and it is not completely comfortable among the Western powers. In this respect, it is possible to define Japan as a country outside.

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New version after 1980; the wave of “Globalization 2.0” carried its dominant power, that is, the neoliberal understanding, to all its capillaries, in short, from economy to politics, from culture to moral values. Neoliberalism has built an understanding of knowledge that excludes the possibility of moral knowledge. In this understanding, morality has turned into a subjective opinion issue, not a rational matter of belief. In a world opposed to belief and dogma, morality can only exist as a matter of personal belief or dogmatic opinion.

Monday, 05 April 2021 17:30

Loop of Virtue

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This is why there is an urgent need for the philosophy of history to work in every field in order to take a proactive position and to discover the laws that regulate events and to act on values instead of facts. It is up to this point whether to stay in the mind-besiegedness or to break the patterns, which are not ours from the evil eye.  We are tired of looking at the West all the time. We forgot the color of our eyes because we were looking through the lenses of a particular culture.

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The new world order is pushing humanity towards inhuman forms of global governance. States are tried to be deprived of the will and ability to maintain their independence, let alone forming the elements of a just and peaceful world order. In this respect, Turkey should act with the awareness that it does not have the luxury of pursuing a "precious loneliness" strategy in the new period in the region, and should raise its level to a strategic concept that will give hope to the entire geography.

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The basin of Turkey in the region being the last bastion of the Islamic civilization that derives from the historical depth and experience, both geocultural, geostrategic and geopolitical codes in the process of the formation of robust and especially the new build and de facto not clearly saw this game in perspective in this dirty war, declared to the whole world in an unreserved way.  It is possible to say that this decision strengthens our hand and minimizes the risk in terms of not entering into an uncertain conflict environment. 

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In this new chapter that capitalism has reached, large capital groups and monopolies, which are called finance capital, formed from the combination of financial capital and industrial capital, emerged. Unlike the old-style colonialism, imperialism, which emerged especially from the 1870s, is the result of this capitalist economic development.

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"...Although parties, governments and organizations involved in the process develop discourses and policies that result from cyclical pressures on their bases and shift to populism, NGOs and media need to create synergies for the continuity of the process with different presentations that will strengthen the process, away from these populist approaches. In this way, the parties taking the initiative are presented with different locations and reminded that the road map determined is not final and that permanent peace is the final one..."

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Christian Europe, inspired by Giles Kepel, sees the new Muslim institutions in Europe (from halal food to business, financial and educational institutions) as instruments for the global spread of Islam and develops some counter-rhetoric with this phobia. The clearest example of this is the PEGIDA (Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes), the “Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamicisation of the Occident” movement, of which feasibility and exploration seem to date back a long time. As its name suggests, the movement is of anti-Islamic origin rather than a racist originated.

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Just as Erdoğan’s discourse of “one minute” in Davos was more effective than the former Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s slogan “We will wipe Israel off the map”; It should not be forgotten that the phrase “The world is bigger than five” is more effective, realistic and applicable than the slogan “Let the UN be discharged, NATO should be ruled out”.