Uşak Medresesinde tahsil görmüş, din görevlisi olarak görev yapmış, İstiklal Harbine katılmış, İstiklal madalyası ile taltif edilmiş Ali Osman Tanrıverdi’nin tek oğlu olarak 08 Kasım 1944 tarihinde Konya'nın Akşehir ilçesine bağlı Doğrugöz (Eski adı Eğrigöz) Köyünde doğdu.
İlkokul, ortaokul ve liseyi Akşehir'de bitirdi. Orta tahsilinden sonra 1962-1963 öğrenim yılında bir yıl ilkokul vekil öğretmenliği yaptı. 1963-1964 öğrenim yılında bir yıl İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Zooloji Bölümünde öğrenim gördü. Öğrenim hayatı boyunca ortaokul çağlarından başlayarak kendi çiftliklerinin ekim, hasat, pazarlama işleri yanı sıra bir simit fırınında da kalfalık yaparak üretim ve ticaret faaliyetlerinde bulundu. Üniversite tahsili sırasında ise önce bir Gümrük Komisyoncusunda çalıştı, akabinde 1963 – 1964 yılında Üniversite tahsili sırasında Devlet Demiryolları Birinci İşletmesi Haydarpaşa 16. Tesisler Servisi Müfettişliğinde Müfettiş Vekilliği yaptı.
1964 yılında Kara Harp Okuluna girdi. 30 Ağustos 1966 yılında; Topçu Subayı olarak pekiyi derece ile Kara Harp Okulunu bitirdi. 1967 yılında Topçu ve Füze Okulu Subay Temel Kursunu ikincilikle bitirdi. Mart 1967 tarihinde Teğmenliğe naspedildi. Aynı yıl Füsun Hanım ile evlendi.
görevlerinde bulundu.
1976 – 1978 yıllarında Kara Harp Akademisinde öğrenim görerek 1978 yılında Kurmay Subay statüsünü kazandı.
1980 yılında Silahlı Kuvvetler Akademisini bitirdi.
Kurmay Sb. olarak;
30 Ağustos 1992 tarihinde Tuğgeneralliğe yükseltildi ve General olarak;
Emekliye ayrıldıktan sonra;
Yeni ASDER Yönetimi, kendisine ASDER Onursal Başkanlığı unvanını münasip görmüştür.
ASDER Onursal Başkanı olarak,
15 Ağustos 2016 tarihinde Cumhurbaşkanı Başdanışmanlığı ve 08 Ekim 2018 tarihinde Cumhurbaşkanlığı Güvenlik ve Dış Politika Kurul Üyeliğine getirilmiştir.
Bu görevlerinden 09 Ocak 2020 tarihinde istifa ederek ayrılmıştır.
görevlerini aktif olarak yürütmektedir.
Evli ve iki çocuk, 5 torun ve ziyadesi 6 toruncuğa sahip olup Fransızca bilir.
من هو العميد المتقاعد عدنان تانريفردي؟
ولد في قرية Doğrugöz (Eğrigöz سابقًا) في قضاء أكشهير في قونية في 8 نوفمبر 1944، وهو الابن الوحيد لعلي عثمان تانريفردي، الذي تلقى تعليمه في مدرسة أوشاك، وعمل موظفاً دينيًا، وشارك في حرب الاستقلال وحصل على وسام الاستقلال.
أتم دراسته الابتدائية والإعدادية والثانوية في أكشهير. بعد تعليمه الثانوي، شغل منصب مدرس بديل في المدرسة الابتدائية لمدة عام واحد في العام الدراسي 1962-1963. ودرس في جامعة إسطنبول، كلية العلوم، قسم علم الحيوان لمدة عام واحد في العام الدراسي 1963-1964. خلال حياته التعليمية، عمل كعامل في مخبز للخبز، بالإضافة إلى أعمال الزراعة والحصاد والتسويق في مزارعه الخاصة، وانخرط في أنشطة الإنتاج والتجارة بدءًا من سن المدرسة الثانوية. أثناء تعليمه الجامعي، عمل أولاً في كوسيط جمركي، ثم في عام 1963 - 1964، عمل كمفتش بالإنابة في الإدارة الحكومية الأولى للسكك الحديدية حيدر باشا رقم 16 خدمة تفتيش المرافق.
دخل الأكاديمية العسكرية البرية في عام 1964. تخرج من الأكاديمية العسكرية البرية برتبة ضابط مدفعية بدرجة عالية في 30 أغسطس 1966. أنهى الدورة الأساسية لضباط مدرسة المدفعية والصواريخ بالمركز الثاني في عام 1967. عيّن ملازماً في مارس/ آذار 1967. في نفس العام تزوج من السيدة فسون.
على التوالي شغل مناصب في؛
درس في الأكاديمية العسكرية البرية في 1976– 1978 وحصل على منصب ضابط أركان في عام 1978.
تخرج من أكاديمية القوات المسلحة عام 1980.
شغل كضابط أركان:
تمت ترقيته إلى عميد في 30 أغسطس/ آب 1992، وشغل كجنرال مناصب؛
شغل بعد التقاعد مناصب؛
اعتبرت إدارة أسدر الجديدة أنه من المناسب منحه لقب الرئيس الفخري لأسدر.
وكرئيس فخري لأسدر
تم تعيينه في منصب كبير مستشاري رئيس الجمهورية في 15 أغسطس/ آب 2016 وعضواً في اللجنة الرئاسية للأمن والسياسة الخارجية في 8 أكتوبر/ تشرين الأول 2018.
استقال من هذه المناصب في 09 يناير / كانون الثاني 2020.
ينفذ بنشاط مهامه في.
متزوج وله ولدان وخمسة أحفاد وأكثر من ستة من أولاد الأحفاد ويتحدث الفرنسية.
He was born in the village of Doğrugöz (Formerly Eğrigöz) in the Akşehir district of Konya on November 8, 1944, as the only son of Ali Osman Tanrıverdi, who was educated in the Uşak Madrasa, served as a religious officer, participated in the War of Independence and was awarded the War of Independence Medal.
He finished primary, secondary and high school in Akşehir. After his secondary education, he worked as a primary school substitute teacher for one year in the 1962-1963 academic year. He studied at Istanbul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Zoology for a year in the 1963-1964 academic year. Throughout his education life, he worked in production and trade activities by working as a journeyman in a bakery as well as planting, harvest, marketing works of his own farms starting from secondary school age. During his university education, he first worked at a Customs Broker, and then in 1963-1964, he served as Deputy Inspector at the Haydarpaşa 16th Facilities Service Inspectorate of the State Railways Administration.
He started studying the Military Academy in 1964. On August 30, 1966; he graduated from the Military Academy with an excellent degree as an Artillery Officer. In 1967, he finished the Artillery and Missile School Officer Basic Training in second. He was assigned as Second Lieutenant in March 1967. In the same year he married Mrs. Füsun.
Respectively he served in;
He studied at the Military Academy between 1976– 1978 and gained the status of Staff Officer in 1978.
He graduated from the Armed Forces Academy in 1980.
As Staff Officer, he served as;
He was promoted to Brigadier General on 30 August 1992 and as a General after serving as;
After his retirement;
The new ASDER Administrative staff deemed it appropriate that giving him the title of ASDER Honorary President.
As ASDER Honorary President, he established,
He was appointed as the Chief Advisor to the President on August 15, 2016 and as a Member of the Presidential Security and Foreign Policy Committee on October 08, 2018.
He resigned from these positions on January 09, 2020.
He still actively carries out his duties as;
He is married and has two children, five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. He can speak French
Elhamdü lillahi Rabbil Âlemin. Vel akıbetü-lil müttakin. Velâ udvane illâ alez zalimîn. Vesselatü vesselamü alâ Resulünâ Muhammedin ve alâ âlihi ve sahbihi ecmain.
I greet all of you with respect and affection, our guests who attended to present their papers and as listeners from all around the Islamic Geography, the President and members of UNIW, ASDER and ASSAM, and my dear friends from Afghanistan (1), USA (1), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Burkina Faso(1), Algeria(1), Chad(1), Morocco(1), Palestine(1), India(1), Kashmir(1), Liberia (1), Malawi (1), Malaysia (2), Egypt (3), Niger (1), Uzbekistan (1), Pakistan (4), Singapore (2), Syria (1) Türkiye (13).
GREETING: (Slide-1)
Elhamdülillahi Rabbil Âlemin vel akıbet-ül müttekiym. Vesselatü vesselamü alâ seyyidina ve nebiyyina Muhammedin ve âlihi ve sahbihi ecmain.
Afghanistan (5), USA, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina (2), Burkina Faso, Chad, Eastern Turkestan, Morocco, Kashmir, TRNC, Libya, Malaysia (3), Egypt (2), Niger, Pakistan (5), Singapore, Thailand, Turkey(11), Jordan and Islam from every corner of geography, our guests who attended as a listener, president and representatives of NGOs, the Rector of Dumlupınar University, UNIW, ASDER and ASSAM, dear brothers and sisters, I greet you all with respect.
GREETING: (Slide-1)
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Elhamdülillahi Rabbil Âlemin vel akıbet-ül müttekiym. Vesselatü vesselamü alâ seyyidina ve nebiyyina Muhammedin ve âlihi ve sahbihi ecmain.
Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Chad, Iraq, Qatar, Libya, Malaysia, Egypt, Niger, Pakistan, Palestine, Turkey, TRNC, USA (15) and Islam from every corner of geography, our guests who attended as a listener, president and representatives of NGOs, ASSAM, Üsküdar University, IDSB and ASDER, dear brothers and sisters, I greet you all with respect and affection.
" Dünya'da ve Dünden Bugün'e Türkiye'de Savunma Sanayi " sunumu Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Antalya STK'lar Toplantısı gibi çeşitli konferanslarda tebliğ edilmiştir. Sunumun pdf dosyasını indirmek için tıklayınız. (Son Günceleme 28 Ağustos 2014 / 5,62Mb)
We can say that a consensus has been reached across the country with the government and its opposition regarding the amendment of Article 35 of the Turkish Armed Forces Internal Service Law No. 211.
This article was not only used as a basis for coups by the junta, but also became an encouraging factor in the formation of coup plotters.
In its current form, “The duty of the Armed Forces is to guard and protect the Turkish homeland and the Republic of Turkey, which has been appointed by the Constitution.” this article has caused our Armed Forces to turn to internal security rather than external security, to intervene in politics, to put political powers under tutelage and to act as regime guards.
Armies Must Be Religious
(APRIL 02, 2015)
Among the professions, there is no other profession other than the military profession that demands the fulfillment of the duty at the cost of his own life.
Can people who do not believe in martyrdom, who do not think afterlife, who do not believe that they will earn eternal life and heaven in return for the life they will sacrifice for their homeland, the material and moral values of their state, religion and nation, can risk their lives to do their duty in warfare?
What can be promised to people who do not have an Islamic sensitivity, who do not know the decrees of martyrdom, and who do not have the consciousness of belief in the hereafter, to be willingly sacrificing their lives?
There is no doubt that people who cannot risk to die will be deprived of the spiritual strength that will increase their financial power many times in the face of risks that will endanger their lives.
In terms of the responsibilities it assumes, we can say that the military profession is one of the professions in which members must be religious.
In order to have the spiritual power it needs in order to fulfill its duty in the extraordinary conditions of war, the soldiers of the countries, regardless of their different religion, must be RELIGIOUS.
Looking at the attempt by both remaining members of the UN Security Council (Russia and China) to effectively join the region, it is understood that the Geography of the Middle East is on the verge of a new and great sharing.
The Islamic World is going through one of the biggest wars of religion in its history, supported by global powers.
There are volunteers of this war, there are those who are used and there are victims.
Global powers organize and equip the Shia and Wahhabi extremists and some ethnic minorities and have them attack the followers of Sunnah.
There is no doubt that salvation will come from the unity of the Ummah.
49 Turkish citizens working in the Mosul Consulate, who were taken hostage by ISIS militants on June 10, 2014, were rescued with a successful operation.
Our citizens held as hostage for 101 days were taken to Sanliurfa at 05:00 on September 20, 2014, from the border area under ISIS control of the Turkish-Syrian border (about 130 Km between Carchemish and Ceylanpinar).
I would like to highlight this operation, which is carried out without harming our citizens, is an important political achievement that reveals the power of our State and the abilities of our governors.
In the official statements, it was stated that "Turkish citizens returned home with an operation carried out by our National Intelligence Organization with their own methods". There is no clear explanation about the rescue operation. Behind the scenes of the rescue operation seems to remain a matter of curiosity. But the important thing is that our 49 citizens, who also have diplomatic identities, have returned home safely.
SEMRA ORKAN - Adnan Tanrıverdi who is the President of the Board of Directors of the Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center (ASSAM), stated that praying in the barracks was prohibited during the 28 February process and that they were not given meal in order to prevent fasting; "These oppressions resulted in the discharge of 1,600 officers and non-commissioned officers out of the army".
Retired Brigadier General Tanrıverdi, who told the Anadolu Agency interviewer about his experiences during the 28 February process, stated that the incident that took place on February 28, 1997 was a memorandum given to the government, and said that it was held to eliminate the existence of believers in the state.
Prepared by me against the Electronic Statement of the General Staff of April 27, 2007, and declared to the press in the first hours of the morning with the then President, the Prime Minister, the Ministers and all the deputies in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey; On the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the April 17, 2007 Declaration, I am sharing our reminders in the first and fifth years following the statement by titling as “DECLARATION OF GENERAL STAFF IS AN UNDEMOCRATIC INITIATIVE MADE IN COORDINATION WITH THE OPPOSITION PARTIES”.
We organized the Second International Islamic Union Congress of ASSAM under the headline "Islamic Economy and Economic Systems" at WOW Congress Center on 01-02 November 2018.
Among the 193 United Nations member states, 60 (31% of its members) are Muslim states.
1.6 billion people out of the entire world population of 7.145 billion (22.5% of world population) are citizens of Muslim States. The land covered by 60 Islamic States equals to 19 million kilometer squares of the Earth’s surface (12,8% of the world territory), which is 150 million kilometer squares in total.
Empires broke up at the beginning of the last century. The nations within the empires were organized by the winners of the First World War, as guided statists. Dependent states were sentenced to totalitarian regimes, although they thought they were free. Dictators were guarded and supported by guardian states.
Between the two world wars, the developed states of the west were ruled mostly by fascist dictators, and the Soviets and their affiliates by communist dictators.
After the Second World War, while the democratic systems were settled in the western states, taking the USA and the United Kingdom as an example, Communism was adopted as the management system in Russia and its dependents.
The West formed the NATO block against America, under the leadership of America, and the Soviet Union led by Russia, and the Warsaw Pact against raging capitalism.