The genocide that is being carried out in Palestine today, by bleeding consciences, by broadcasting live on TV and social media, by devastating the world's public opinion, and which is eventually spreading to the entire Middle East via Lebanon and Syria, is sending a message to the entire world by aiming for a regional war.
The message the United States of America is giving to the whole world regarding this genocide it is carrying out on the cursed Jewish people in Palestine is;
● This genocide will continue as long as I want and you cannot stop it!
● This genocide will continue with the same level of brutality that I allow, and you cannot stop it!
● None of you are independent, whatever I say goes!
● You have no choice but to surrender to me or die!
● I can even make death a nightmare for you!
Our seminar will be broadcasted live on Wednesday November 22 at 20.00 (at local time in Türkiye) on Zoom and YouTube.
Our seminar will be broadcasted live on Wednesday April 26 at 20.00 (at local time in Türkiye) on Zoom and YouTube.
Elhamdü lillahi Rabbil Âlemin. Vel akıbetü-lil müttakin. Velâ udvane illâ alez zalimîn. Vesselatü vesselamü alâ Resulünâ Muhammedin ve alâ âlihi ve sahbihi ecmain.
I greet all of you with respect and affection, our guests who attended to present their papers and as listeners from all around the Islamic Geography, the President and members of UNIW, ASDER and ASSAM, and my dear friends from Afghanistan (1), USA (1), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Burkina Faso(1), Algeria(1), Chad(1), Morocco(1), Palestine(1), India(1), Kashmir(1), Liberia (1), Malawi (1), Malaysia (2), Egypt (3), Niger (1), Uzbekistan (1), Pakistan (4), Singapore (2), Syria (1) Türkiye (13).
Click to the link to reach the 6th International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congress Abstracts Book.
6th International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congress Abstracts Book is published.
Click to the link to reach the abstracts book.
The aim of the International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congresses is to make determinations on an academic and political basis regarding current problems in world politics, especially in the Islamic Countries, and to present a solution to the Islamic World and decision-makers about the necessary institutions for the gathering of Islamic Countries under a will and the necessary legislation for these institutions.
GREETING: (Slide-1)
Elhamdülillahi Rabbil Âlemin vel akıbet-ül müttekiym. Vesselatü vesselamü alâ seyyidina ve nebiyyina Muhammedin ve âlihi ve sahbihi ecmain.
Afghanistan (5), USA, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina (2), Burkina Faso, Chad, Eastern Turkestan, Morocco, Kashmir, TRNC, Libya, Malaysia (3), Egypt (2), Niger, Pakistan (5), Singapore, Thailand, Turkey(11), Jordan and Islam from every corner of geography, our guests who attended as a listener, president and representatives of NGOs, the Rector of Dumlupınar University, UNIW, ASDER and ASSAM, dear brothers and sisters, I greet you all with respect.