Friday, 19 November 2021 08:56

Growth Projects Designed by the West and the Example of Committee of Union and Progress -lll-

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In the previous two articles, we explained at length how western thought struggles against the east. We stated that Anglo-Saxon thought and Latin thought were different, but both of their perspectives were decorated with arrogance and the logic of seeing themselves as superior. The US wing of the Anglo-Saxon school is a bit coarser, headlonger, while the English school is more subtle. Another distinctive feature of this school compared to the Latin school is: The Anglo-Saxon school thinks according to the Hegelian logic, and makes its action plan according to the dualist logic spiral. In other words, they create the “opposite”.

To give an example of the rudeness of the Anglo-Saxon, that is, the American school, the former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a statement recently, saying that the West Bank is the "rightful homeland of the Israeli people." Israel's former Minister of Justice and leader of the New Right Party, Ayelet Shaked, said that the Jewish people have a legal and moral right to live in their ancient homeland. What is the difference between these two statements? No way of thinking can compete with the American way of thinking in terms of rudeness, headstrongness and lack of understanding. (It could be called a complete thoughtlessness.)

In the 90s, they prepared the Greater Middle East Project, they will intervene in the Middle East. This intervention will be opposed by the relevant states, people and surrounding countries, that is, there will be resistance, armed groups fighting against them will emerge, in this case what to do, in order to be “thesis-antithesis-synthesis” according to the dualist logic, it is necessary to control the opposing groups. If other states get involved, support the insurgents, if events get out of hand, it cannot be controlled, failure is destined and it must be prevented. What needs to be done to achieve this? It is necessary to form opposition groups, resistance fighters and insurgents under your own control. What did they do? They established jihadist structures such as Al-Qaeda, ISIS, DEASH, BOKO HARAM, Al-Shabaab in Langley[1], (4) they prepared their ideas, and they allocated leadership and money for this goal. They attacked Iraq and Syria, DAESH emerged, they acted exactly as they wanted and dragged the region into terror. They tarnished the name of Islam.

American Jewish Historian Michael Rubin said, “Taliban has never been practically divided.” Rubin also stated that the CIA spent 1 billion dollars to divide Taliban, but it was unsuccessful. These days, his men called Brett McGurk are working for the Greater Israel Plan by giving weapons, information and intelligence to the PYD to fight against Turkey. He is trying to establish a great Kurdistan. I wonder if he really likes the Kurds(!?) Do the Kurds know that this person is a Jewish spy? Is it known that he is a two-faced cruel enemy of Islam? I wonder who they're thinking of doing a favor to?

Since you are friendly with both opposing groups in the US-British dualism, you manipulate both sides as you wish, you clash both sides, you provide the best intelligence about both sides, just like playing puppet. How long will this evil trick last?

Eventually they will be defeated, for the age of western supremacy is ending, the sun is setting.

We can include the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, or even the 20th century, into this analysis; British intelligence is the most well-equipped intelligence agency. British intelligence is a cunning organization that has mixed diplomacy, play, evil, deception and nobility, has established intellectual superiority on the one hand, and admired itself on the other, and has no moral lines turning in all directions like an eccentric shaft. Everywhere it entered, it plunged society into chaos, leaving an irreconcilable issue when it came out. While India was leaving Pakistan, Kashmir left the Arab-Israeli problem while withdrawing from Palestine. As a result, England did not leave without dividing anywhere and without leaving a civil war behind.

The aspect of British intelligence concerning Turkey is as follows: British intelligence is the most secret and hard to decipher organization wherever it intervenes. It is intertwined with the system, it is the defender of the order, it defends the values of the order in the strongest way, you may never notice it. Because you think the same. They support all goodness and values more than you do. Do you want to establish a global organization for the spread of Islam, British intelligence is the biggest supporter. As in the Fethullahist structure. Have you decided to become a great power center, British intelligence is with you. You cannot notice it. Because they give you the most convincing advice accordingly with your opinion. In doing so, it also started to organize your opponents against you. Because your enemies are not aware of the British intelligence, they are also very grateful for helping them against the enemy.

While it was dragging the Ottoman Empire into disaster by taking Egypt and Cyprus from its control, it was able to leave the image of a friendly country that helped the Ottoman Empire in the Berlin Congress.  However, the following are the British Prime Ministers who have done a great disservice to Turkey, respectively; Edward Smith-Stanley, Benjamin Disraeli, William Ewart Gladstone, Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, Arthur Balfour, David Lloyd George, Winston Churchill…

One of the most talented spies of the British intelligence is “Vambery”. Vambery was the only foreigner who had gained the trust of Abdulhamid II, a sultan who was delusional and suspicious of everyone and difficult to administer.”[2] (5)

In 1896, when Vambery failed to reach his goal, he said to the British[3]:  Abdulhamid II must now be overthrown. The British should accelerate the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire and duly support the opposition.

When we came to the beginning of 1900, the British intelligence opened missionary schools in the Ottoman lands during the 18th century, became the center of all anti-state intellectual movements, but did not neglect to make the administration accept its eternal friendship. In his memoirs, Dr. Rıza Nur tells that “Medical students demanding freedom and equality came in front of the British Embassy with a demonstration, got into the car of the British ambassador, and wanted the ambassador to lead the way by cheering.” That's how the English convinces anyone, that's how he makes a fool of you, that's how he makes you a donkey and rides on your back.

I will end this article by mentioning the Union and Progress Committee about how the British intelligence infiltrated Turkey through Masonic organizations (a structure based on the interests of its members globally).

The Committee of Union and Progress is a masonic party founded in Thessaloniki. When a party becomes a mass party, the influence of foreigners decreases, but if a national structure is directed by a secret and organized institution, no matter how many national men you bring to the head of the organization, you cannot float the ship against the current, you cannot find the right route, you cannot escape the control of the foreign organization, no matter which direction the engine and rudder work. You cannot save a sunken ship from the effects of waves.

What was the purpose of the orientalist discovery, to determine what the rooted aspiration was in the minds of the people and to establish a structure accordingly. As can be seen in the stories of Ömer Seyfettin, there is a desire to seek the glorious days of the past in the hearts of the people. There is the pain of being defeated by the infidels, of retreating, of losing the homeland. Then what should be the name of the party to be formed? “Committee of Union and Progress”. What does union mean? to unite, to be one. What does progress mean? to rise, to go forward, to get rid of backwardness, to transcend the age.  To challenge the West! What a charming, appealing name! How's the oath to join this committee?  To take an oath by swearing on the Qur'an and a gun by saying Vallah Billah. It is a national party with a big goal, but behind it is the Macedonian and Thessaloniki Masonic Lodges, and behind it the British Intelligence, which gives strategy and tactics… What do you think this “unity and rise party” did? It destroyed the Ottoman Empire in the 10 years he took power from 1908 to 1918. (In Enver Pasha's own words: Instead of being Turan, we became devastated) it got the state into the Balkan War, the Tripoli War and the First World War. It lost his homeland, including the Balkans, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Arabia, and dissolved a state with an area of ​​more than 5,500,000 km. How did it do all this? In the name of Union and Progress, with the dream of rising and growing, with the logic of challenging the world… Who did it? English intelligence did it. What motivation did it use: Unification and integration… Growth and rise, returning to the glory days!

If foreigners have infiltrated an organization, especially if foreign or recruited intelligence agents are directing it, that organization will be destructive regardless of its purpose. We will interpret in the next articles the work of British intelligence on the mentality revolution that has nailed Turkey to where it is. In the next article, I will explain how the British intelligence managed the projects of Greater Albania, Greater Arabia, Islamic Caliph Sharif Hussein, Enver Pasha’s Turan dream, Greater Kurdistan, Arab League, Greater Armenia.

Rienhard Gehlen was the Head of the East Branch of German intelligence during the Second World War. Exactly as he said: Germany was occupied, but our organization continues to work in Russia and Eastern Bloc countries, still collecting information. It continues to exist without losing any power. I will explain what this phrase means in upcoming articles. Why is this statement by Gehlen important? France and England have so-called withdrawn from Africa, but the intelligence agencies are working smoothly, these states continue to remain as so-called independent states.


[1] Cemile Bayraktar, “DAESH does not fight anyone but Muslims,” Şarkul Avsat, October 10, 2021

[2] Mim Kemal Öke, from the book The Spy in the Palace...

[3] Here, Vambery's aim is to voluntarily colonize the Ottoman Empire with the sultan's edict. (It is important to remember that Vambery is a Jew.)


Other articles in this series

The Meaning of Intelligence and Western Thought -I-

How Does the Plan and Mentality of the West Affect Intelligence? -II-

Read 305 times Last modified on Friday, 31 December 2021 16:40
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