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Our seminar will be broadcasted live on September 27 on Tuesday at 20.30 (at local time in Türkiye) on Zoom and YouTube.

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Our seminar will be broadcasted live on Saturday August 31 at 19.30 (at local time in Turkey) on Zoom and YouTube.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022 16:19

Koçi Bey Booklet

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Administration Reform Motion at Ottoman Classic Period

There is no definite and clear information about the life of Koçi Bey. It is known that Koçi Bey was originally Albanian and was brought to Istanbul from Korçë by means of a devshirmeh and entered the Ottoman Palace. It is not known for certain that Koçi Bey was from Korçë, but the fact that the graves of his wife and son Sefer Shah are in the Iljaz bej Mirahori mosque in Korçë, and that his grave is in the village of Plamet of Korçë, strengthens the thought that Koçi Bey was from Korçë. In various sources, it is stated that the real name of Koçi is Mustafa and that the name Koçi is his nickname. The name Koçi is in the forms of Koçi, Koca, Kuçi in different sources. The word “Koç” in Albanian means red. It is highly probable that Mustafa Bey was given the nickname Koçi because of his red-colored face. There is no definite record of the date of the devshirmeh and the date of entry to the palace. However, it is known that he served in various services in Enderun from the reign of Sultan Ahmet I to the reign of Murat IV. Especially during the reign of Murat IV, he was taken to the Privy Chamber (Has Oda) and gained the trust of the Sultan and became his confidant. Koçi Bey participated in the Baghdad expedition as the accountant of Sultan Murat IV. After the death of Sultan Murat, he became the accountant and confidant of Sultan İbrahim, who succeeded him. Koçi Bey retired in the last days of Sultan İbrahim or in the first years of Mehmet the Fourth and settled in Korçë.

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Our seminar will be broadcasted live on Saturday, July 30 at 14.30 (at local time in Turkiye) on Zoom and YouTube.

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The aim of the International ASSAM Islamic Union Model Congresses is to make determinations on an academic and political basis regarding current problems in world politics, especially in the Islamic Countries, and to present a solution to the Islamic World and decision-makers about the necessary institutions for the gathering of Islamic Countries under a will and the necessary legislation for these institutions.

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Our seminar will be broadcasted live on Thursday, June 30 at 20.00 (at local time in Turkiye) on Zoom and YouTube.

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After a Meeting: Good News Emerging in the Deep Perception of Strategy..

There is blood, tears, pain and misery in the world in general, and in the Islamic geography in particular. The oppressed people of this lonely and desolate geography are being pushed into an even more unbearable pain by the imperialist western world with the pain that is renewed every day in the bitter swirl of despair. With the ordeal of desperation, it is drawn into the inextricable depth of a complex and extremely chaotic vortex. In the formation of this ruthless way of thinking, the West not only uses its industrial power, but also use the media, which is an active and effective force in the psychological and sociological engineering operation, which has incredible effects on society, ensuring the continuity of the oppression.

Monday, 13 June 2022 09:04

Empathy (July 15, 2013)

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Our country is trying to move forward on a very exciting and very turbulent path these days.. It seems that the turbulence and whirlpool of emotions in our neighbors (events that we cannot make clear yet?!), where we live close-far emotional integrity, become a little more tense and pave the way for a somewhat more troublesome thought action. The fireball around us is getting bigger with each passing day and is getting closer to our country.. It is clear that more than ever, we need an urgent unification and closeness with great importance.

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Our seminar will be broadcasted live on Saturday, May 28 at 18.00 (at local time in Turkey) on Zoom and YouTube.

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Strategy is the path followed to achieve a predetermined goal in the long run. Strategy is the science and art of using political, economic, psychological, military and spiritual forces together in the most effective and designed way in order to give maximum support to the policies adopted in peace and war by a nation or a group of nations. As can be understood from the definition; firstly,

There should be goals and objectives to be determined by taking lessons from the past and evaluating current conditions. Secondly, the paths to be taken to walk towards these goals and objectives. Who and what institutions will do what in the country after the targets are determined? What will supporter groups determined outside the country, NGOs and other allied countries should do? All of them must be studied.