Establishment and Duties
Legislation Examination and Research Board for Muslim States Union Bodies
Reserch And Studies Office For Agricultural Cooperation Possibilities
Islamic Countries Internal Security Organization Examination and Research Board
Board of Examination and Research of Elements of National Power of World States Other Than Islamic Countries
List of Military Forces of Global Powers
Click here to access the list of Islamic countries
List of Military Forces of the Federative Regions Affiliated to the Confederation of Islamic Countries of ASRICA
ASSAM held the 3rd International Islamic Union Congress on 19-20 December 2019 with the main title of “ASRICA [i]Joint Defense Industry Production”. 200 academicians and NGOs from 45 countries attended the congress. According to the congress registration desk data, more than 750 people's entrance cards were printed to enter the congress. The reason I am giving the numbers is because we are talking about a really high level of participation and interest for a meeting organized by a strategic studies center. As an event organization, ASSAM did a great job. ASSAM made this successful work with a little effort.
The desire to limit the power of those who dominate societies, together with the theory of separation of powers, led to the establishment of the modern state. Montesquieu, in his work titled "The Spirit of Laws", explained the formation of legislative, executive and judicial powers that are effective in state administration and their relationship with each other. Starting from this principle, the degree of relationship between the forces in the period up to the present has led to the naming of government systems in different ways. The judicial power, which is among the powers, is kept in a separate place in this relationship. Since the judiciary has a close relationship between the legislative and the executive in every system of government, the judicial power is excluded from the determination of government systems. However, in Continental European countries that implement dual judicial systems, the administrative courts, which constitute the administrative leg of the judiciary, and the Constitutional Courts, which were established after the World War II in order to limit the power of the executive and the legislature, have functions in power relations. The existence of this relationship does not change the form of the government system. In each country, there are courts established according to geographical principles with different names. Therefore, in this study, the judicial power, which does not affect the formation of government systems, is not included in the analysis.
Turkey held its President and Parliamentary elections on Sunday, June 24, 2018. I wish the election results auspicious.
The result of the election had appeared in the polls weeks earlier. Our noble nation gave a very important message in the June 24 elections.
When asked about the reasons for preference in the pre-election polls, our people mention many revolutionary investments; tremendous innovations in the healthcare system, investments in the education system, technological progress and the free availability of books in primary and secondary education, with investments made in transportation Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, Eurasia Tunnel, Osman Gazi Bridge, New Istanbul Airport, Çanakkale 1915 Bridge, highways, dual carriageways and high-speed trains.
Although this is the view from the inside, there is something completely different when looking at Turkey from the outside;
The constitution (model) that determines the existence and unification of Islamic States, in the light of Holy Quran and understanding of ummah (determined by our prophet’s sunnah);
is aimed gathering Islamic States under a single roof, living and glorifying spirtual values together, producing and sharing material values together.
You could download the constitution (model) draft by clicking below given link.
The purpose of international ASSAM Islamic Congress : Ascertaining daily political affairs of world on academic and political ground, particularly Islamic Countries, to present a manner to decision makers about essentials istitutions and and legistlations of these institutions in terms of gathering Islamic Satates under one administration.
The decision of providing the sustainability made in the end of discussions by civil society organization representitives from 27 Islamic States in first International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress.
“Turkey has defeated USA for five times since 2015,” said Retired Brigadier General Adnan Tanrıverdi, the Presidency Chief Adviser. Speaking to Yeni Şafak, Tanrıverdi listed them one by one: 1- The US supported propaganda aimed at stability in the June 7 elections. With the foresight of the people, political stability was achieved after 5 months. 2- Then the pit actions started. U.S. support has caused Turkey new trouble with the PKK's self-government nonsense. Turkey solved this problem in 6 months. 3- While Turkey purged the FETO in Turkish Armed Forces, there was an attempted coup on July 15. Also, this attempt was suppressed within 20 hours. This was the 3rd defeat to USA. 4- The USA would hand over Jarabulus to the terrorist organization PKK-PYD. Turkey noticed this and brought its troops into the area and prevented it. 5- The United States moved to remove Turkey's bases in Iraq, but Turkey successfully prevented this. And this is the 5th defeat.
Adnan Tanrıverdi, the founder of SADAT and the Chief Advisor of the Presidency, responded to the allegations about SADAT. News of Kübra Par from Habertürk...
Critical allegations have long been made against the SADAT International Defense Consultancy Company. Some argue that the AK Party has a paramilitary force; some say “They were the armed civilians who clashed against the soldiers on the evening of July 15”, some say “The Decree Law, which brought civil immunity to judicial immunity, was issued for SADAT”, and some say “SADAT trains opposition groups in Syria, and even fights there themselves.” To ask about all these allegations, I met with Adnan Tanrıverdi, the founder of SADAT and the Chief Advisor of the President, at headquarters of SADAT which is located in Beylikdüzü. Tanrıverdi denied the allegations about militia power. Their ideal is to provide military consultancy services to the official armies of Islamic countries, as provided by US companies, but for the moment they serve with 7 personnel in only one country. He says that they have no activity in Turkey. He openly opposes organizations like People’s Special Operations...
The will of limiting power of those who dominate societies and the theory of seperation of powers did lead to establishment of modern state. Montesquie explained the formation of legislative, executive and judiciary powers which have impact on administartion and relation of those with each other, in his book called “The Sipirit of the Laws”. From this point of view, the degree of the relation among the powers lead to the name governmental systems differently, so far. The judicial power among the powers is held in separate place within this relationship. Judiciary has close relation with legislative and executive powers in all governmental forms. But Constitutional Courts, found after II. World War to limit legislative and executive powers, and Administrative Courts of Continental Europe States implementing dual judicial system, the both courts have functions in ruler relations. The existence of these relations do not change governmental form. There are courts established in accordance with geographic rudiments in all states with different names. Consequently judicial power, which does not have any impact on establishment of governmental systems, is not included to this research.
In the twentieth century, the principles of "the right of nations to self-determination" were first declared by Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the USA. These declared principles were concepts such as "Democracy-Human Rights-Rule of Law-Politics".
‘Self Determination’ principles, were announced for the first time by 28. USA President Woodrow Wilson in 20th ceuntry. The announced principles were principles like “Democracy-Human Rights- Rule of Law-Politics”.