Friday, 27 January 2023 15:33

ASSAM Press Release for the Hate Crime in Sweden

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We strongly condemn the fact that the despicable action in Sweden targets the national & spiritual sanctities of Türkiye and all Muslims. Expressing these provocative, abhorrent and despicable charges as freedom of expression or a democratic act is nothing but a hypocritical policy. Because in democracies, freedom of expression will be the subject of restrictions and sanctions when it comes to infringing on the rights of other people.

Is not the “text” of the European Convention on Human Rights in Article 10 on freedom of expression;

“The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.”

not under the will, obligation – responsibility of the Swedish government, which is a member of the European Union? Do not they themselves know that this is a hate crime? Or do they apply the EU acquis – the legal legislation only as they see fit?  If the same action were taken against their sacred values in another country (and no Muslim's attitude towards the holy books is acceptable), would they be able to give the same provocative reactions? In which legal system is it acceptable to carry out these heinous acts, which target the Muslim world of more than two billion, under the auspices of the police? Is Sweden a state without a political culture and incapable of sanctions against provocateurs & terrorists that cannot control such an atrocious act? These and similar actions threaten the atmosphere of peace between nations. The world needs an atmosphere of peace more than ever, in the last period when humanity has been exposed to pandemics, wars, climate change and food crises one after another.

Sweden should urgently initiate the necessary judicial and legal proceedings against those who committed this act targeting 2 billion Muslims and apologize to the Muslim & Turkish world. All other states, especially the Netherlands and Denmark, which do not condemn this act and watch similar acts to be carried out in their own countries, do not apply the necessary sanctions and are considered partners with this improper act.

Every nation and state acts only as befit itself. The current politicians of Sweden stand behind the insults and threats to the President of Türkiye, with their vile and hypocritical statements, the burning and tearing of our holy book, the Holy Quran, by a few provocateurs. The attitude of the Swedish Government, which needs Türkiye’s approval to join NATO and has signed protocols on the extradition of terrorists to Türkiye, in the face of outrageous actions is an example of hypocrisy. However, the Swedish King Charles XII, who was defeated by the Russian army in 1709, took refuge in the Ottoman Empire and lived in its territory for almost five years; The Ottomans met all the needs of the king, as well as loaned money and allowed him to return to his country whenever he wanted. Our ancestors punished those who tore up the depiction of Jesus Christ in Crimea in the 18th century, by having them hit with floating sticks in front of the church. We expect statements from representatives of various sects of the Christian religion against this latest provocative action. Will governments and religious institutions that remain silent about such actions remain silent when the same abominable actions are directed against them? We see that the majority of the peoples of Sweden and Europe, whose humanity has not died yet, condemn these provocative and racist acts. The statement “We do not share that bookburning idiots view!” affixed to the window of the Swedish Embassy, clearly demonstrates this. The Swedish government, which does not agree with the views of the Swedish people, is responsible for prosecuting and punishing the perpetrators of these racist acts and the police officers who protect them. We would like to express our gratitude to the people of Sweden, who showed a fair attitude and made the necessary statements in this incident where a hate crime was committed. The Swedish government should immediately initiate proceedings and punish those responsible for this despicable criminal act.

We submit it for the information of the Turkish and Muslim public opinion.

Read 359 times Last modified on Monday, 30 January 2023 12:55
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