Monday, 21 September 2020 14:14

Aim of ASSAM

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Turkey has conducted its oil and gas exploration through Western companies in the past. The lack of results from the search and screening activities carried out in this context so far has always put the question "Does someone want Turkey to be foreign-dependent in energy?"

Friday, 18 September 2020 09:31

An African Country: Niger

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Niger is a landlocked Sub-Saharan African country. Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Libya and Mali are neighbors of Niger, which has area of 1.27 million square kilometers. The distance to the nearest seaport is around 1000 km. 80% of the country is covered with deserts and a small part in the south can be considered steppe.

Friday, 11 September 2020 11:40

Situation Assessment in the Eastern Mediterranean

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Turkey's strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean is the SURVIVAL policy of the ancient TURKISH state, as well as the current government, which has national and domestic values.  This policy must be maintained without any concessions, even if the government changes. Because this geopolitical problem is the necessity of our state's geopolitical existence in Anatolia.

Monday, 24 August 2020 00:00

After Friday 'Turkey’s Era' Begins

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Evaluating the "good news" of President Erdoğan in the newspaper Akit, experts said that Turkey's strong steps on the field have received the most important consequences and a new era will begin.

Turkey's proactive strategy in the field, which has re-assumed its historic mission under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, it also brings rewards. Enter the hangars instead kowtow before the Western states, without sleeping for days producing local and national technology as a result Turkey, to intervene immediately to the crisis in the eastern Mediterranean as a result of attempting to seismic exploration activities reached their massive natural gas deposits. Experts consider the historical developments that President Erdoğan will announce as good news on Friday as “the beginning of Turkey's new era”.

Thursday, 23 July 2020 00:00

Importance of Hagia Sophia Mosque

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I have always advocated the reopening of the Hagia Sophia Mosque and will continue to do so.

The reason for this is very simple and clear. Because Hagia Sophia is the sword right of Sultan Mehmet, the conqueror of Constantinople, and it was dedicated as a mosque by Fatih Sultan Mehmet. This cannot be changed until doomsday. Nobody has the right and authority to change this.

Unfortunately, it has been turned into a museum by the heedless, who do not fear of Allah and do not know the law.

Tuesday, 21 July 2020 00:00

Invitation to Friday Prayer in Hagia Sophia

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Dear ASSAM Members and Volunteers,

Following the decision of the 10th Department of the Council of State, Hagia Sophia, the symbol of conquest of Istanbul, was opened to worship again as a mosque with the Presidential Decree.

Tuesday, 14 July 2020 00:00

Press Announcement for Hagia Sophia from ASSAM

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Hagia Sophia, which was gifted to this ancient ummah as a mosque with the conquest of Istanbul by Mehmed the Conqueror in 1453, unfortunately, has been used as a museum for 86 years since 1934.

Hagia Sophia, which our nation and the Muslims of the world have been waiting for long time since that day, was finally reunited with the ummah as a mosque with the decision of the 10th Chamber of the Council of State on July 10, 2020 and the Presidential decree issued at the will of our President, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

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“Whoever Dominates The Seas Dominates The World.”

Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha

Cyprus was conquered by the Ottomans on 1 August 1571 during the reign of the 2nd Selim. At that time, the island was a base for attacks against Turkish ships operating between Istanbul, Syria and Egypt. It was essential to take Cyprus for control of regional trade.

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Do not underestimate July 15!

Never underestimate the emphasis of “July 15 was fiction” and see it as an ordinary message.