Monday, 31 January 2022 12:14

An Unending Paranoia, REACTIONARYSM

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Reactionaryism is coming, it is approaching, it is about to come...

Oh friend, what an unending issue this is, what unending paranoia.

Tensioners, Clog-wearers, old sticks in the mud, bats and etc.

Whenever the local and national people of Anatolia turn to power, aspire to rule, and begin to develop a little, your choir begins to say: Reactionarysm is approaching...

Tuesday, 18 January 2022 12:11

Yesevi Alperenler Association Visited ASSAM

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President of Yesevi Alperenler Association Kürşat Mican visited ASSAM and had a chat with ASSAM Vice President Ersan Ergür. They consulted on what kind of work they could do for the Islamic world. After the meeting, in which youth issues were also discussed, our Vice President Ersan Ergür Bey signed and presented his book titled Mediterranean Issue to Mr. Kürşat Mican.

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(18-19 December 2021)

Wednesday, 12 January 2022 10:55


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The Great Turkish Nation with Unity and Solidarity in its ideal..

Below I will share with you our press release containing our recommendations for stopping the civil war in Kazakhstan…

From the Adriatic to the Sea of Japan,

From Finland to India…

To the Managers and People of the Republic of Turkey, founded by the independent clans of the Great Turkish Nation, who brought the divine light of peace, justice and civilization to every geography they went to…

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Dear Friends,

Fifth International ASSAM Congress was held on 18-19 December 2021 with the title of “ASRICA Confederation Foreign Policy Strategies/Analysis” on the main topic of “Determination of Common Foreign Policy Principles and Procedures for the Islamic Union”. In our congress, 37 declarations were presented by 34 academicians from 16 different countries. Our Congress was followed by other Islamic countries alongside Afghanistan, USA, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Chad, East Turkestan, Morocco, Kashmir, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Libya, Malaysia, Egypt, Niger, Pakistan, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey and Jordan which participated with their Declarations. 

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ASSAM Vice President Ersan Ergür gave detailed information about International ASSAM Islamic Union Congresses on TvNet channel in 22 December 2021.

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ASSAM Vice President Ersan Ergür gave detailed information about the International ASSAM Islamic Union congresses on Akit TV.

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5th ASSAM International Islamic Union Congress was conducted between the dates of December 18-19. The 5th International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress with the main theme of “Determination of Principles and Procedures of Joint Justice System for the Islamic Union” (ASRICA Confederation Foreign Policy Strategies), 37 participants from 19 countries presented declarations to our congress, which was held under the leadership of ASSAM President Retired Brigadier General Adnan Tanrıverdi. Our congress, which is held in an international and interdisciplinary format, was broadcast live in 3 languages with simultaneous translations in Turkish, Arabic and English.