Our seminar will be broadcasted live on Thursday, June 30 at 20.00 (at local time in Turkiye) on Zoom and YouTube.
The Asia-Africa (ASRICA) congress was held in a hotel in Istanbul between 19-20 December. The congress focused on the belief that the Islamic world, which is located between the ends of the Asian-African continents, can unite its power and be freed from its current problems and lead a more peaceful and productive life.
ASSAM International Islamic Union Congresses, in which ASSAM President Adnan Tanrıverdi started the 3rd Congress by saying “I have a dream”, goes on with significant success. So, what is this dream of Mr. Adnan Tanrıverdi? We can say that these congresses held for the purpose of establishing the Islamic Union are the common dream of Mr. Adnan Tanrıverdi and the oppressed Islamic civilizations and geographies. 3 of the 7 planned congresses were held. It is expected that this initiative, which was taken with a lot of speakers and participants from Islamic countries, will shape the world. The most explanatory comment I can make for myself is that when I saw the atmosphere there, my hopes for the future of Islamic countries and the world grew...
CLICK on the link below to see the chart prepared for the purpose of examining the materials exported and imported by Islamic Countries as natural resources and processed products.