Thursday, 15 October 2020 17:39

Let Man Live, Let The State Live

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Nizamülmülk Siyasetnamesinde bir devletin hangi vasıfları üzerinde toplarsa payidar olabileceğine dair uzunca izahlarda bulunur. O’nun hassaten üzerinde durduğu konu, devletten ziyade insan ve adalettir. Zira insan olmadan devlet kurulamaz, adalet olmazsa devlet yaşayamaz. Bu sebeple devlet için insana, devletin bekası içinse adalete ihtiyaç zaruridir. Müellifin ifadesiyle, nankörlük nimete, zulüm devlete zeval getirir.


Wednesday, 14 October 2020 10:24

Far East Report: Borneo

Over the island of Borneo, an island of unshared riches divided into three by British and Dutch colonists, and a Muslim homeland; the state of Brunei, the states of Malaysia, the future Indonesian capital, and Philippine claims

Friday, 09 October 2020 17:34

French Muslims: Macron Don't Lie!

France's President Emmanuel Macron last Friday outlined proposals for how to challenge what he called “Islamist separatism” in a divisive speech to the public. “Islam is a religion that is in crisis all over the world today, we don't just see it in our country,” Macron said in a nearly two-hour speech in the northwestern Paris suburb of Les Mureaux.

Friday, 09 October 2020 09:11


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As the Turkish Nation, perhaps more than any other nation in the world, we are in the first place to take pride in our nationality. We love heroism. The phrase “national unity and togetherness” has been among the most used expressions until today, especially in the first years of the Republic and after the 1980 Coup.  We pride ourselves on being Turk, we are proud of being a ‘Turkish Soldier’, and we have very good reasons for this, such that we wait to see if the oppressed in any corner of the world “Did the Turks come for help?”; In other words, to be a Turk means to be “conducing towards Allah’s help”.