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Within this study, understandings of nation in Islamic civilization and “modern-secular” Western civilization are compared both with each other and on socio-political structures. These comparisons should be useful to know what is appropriate for Turkey.
Under the influence of the French Revolution, the “nation” became a new socio-political force in Europe. In the studies carried out to define the nation, the ideas of philosophers were used, not sociological observations. There was no consensus on any of the very different definitions produced on unrelated grounds such as race, native language and citizenship. Meanwhile, instead of accepting historical integrations, each state tried to build its own nation by choosing one of the definitions made. Thus, although they were known as “nation-states”, none of the states belonged to a clearly definable nation, and it was not possible for a state to artificially build its own nation. In the meantime, many states were fell apart, while the newly established ones faced the same danger.
On the other hand, the concept of nation in Islamic civilization has existed since the beginning and its meaning is clear. As a term found in the Qur'an, 'nation' refers to a religion and its believers. In the early periods, the common language of the “Nation of Islam” was only Arabic. In the course of time, Persian and Turkish also became common languages in different regions. Thus, the term “Turk” became the name of Muslims of different ethnic origins and different native languages who used Turkish as a common language.
Later, with the modern-secular definitions of the West, the definitions of “Turkish nation” became unclear and controversial in Turkey, and the integrity of the Turkish nation was in danger of being disintegrated.

This article is published in the first issue of ASSAM International Refereed Journal.

Thursday, 10 July 2014 00:00

Mission of ISIS

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ISIS, which became popular with the occupation of Mosul and its surroundings, published an English magazine called DABIQ1 on the internet during Ramadan. The magazine is visually rich and contains high-quality photographs, as well as important messages.

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GREETING: (Slide-1)

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Elhamdülillahi Rabbil Âlemin vel akıbet-ül müttekiym. Vesselatü vesselamü alâ seyyidina ve nebiyyina Muhammedin ve âlihi ve sahbihi ecmain.

Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Burkina Faso, Chad, Iraq, Qatar, Libya, Malaysia, Egypt, Niger, Pakistan, Palestine, Turkey, TRNC, USA (15) and Islam from every corner of geography, our guests who attended as a listener, president and representatives of NGOs, ASSAM, Üsküdar University, IDSB and ASDER, dear brothers and sisters, I greet you all with respect and affection.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020 16:02

Game of Ceasefire - Who is Shaking the Jar?

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In order to stop the wars that have emerged in recent years, someone immediately intervenes, acting as a so-called mediator, and a ceasefire is declared for a certain period of time or for an indefinite period, with the aim of ending or interrupting the conflicts by sitting the parties around a table.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020 15:48

Prohibited Arms in Warfare - Geneva Protocol

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When the Armenian army started to be defeated at the front within the scope of the war launched on September 27, they attacked civilians with missiles and prohibited cluster munition in Ganja, the second largest city of Azerbaijan, in the morning of 04.10.2020. Later, it launched missiles with a range of 300 kilometers to Xızı and Absheron District of Azerbaijan. In fact, such weapons are prohibited by the Geneva Protocol.

Saturday, 19 December 2020 22:14

4th International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress Held

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Our Congress on the main theme of the ASRICA Confederation Defense System was successfully held in the 4th of the International ASSAM Islamic Union Congresses organized by ASSAM, the Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center, since 2017.

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Organized by ASSAM, Üsküdar University, ASDER, the 4th International ASSAM (Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center) Islamic Union Congress was held under the title of “ASRICA Confederation Defense System”. The congress was held online this year as part of pandemic measures. At the congress; Scientists from countries such as the USA, Iraq, Egypt, Niger, Qatar and Malaysia made 27 declarations.

Tuesday, 08 December 2020 11:44

Who Rules The Seas, Rules The World

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Retired Colonel Ersan Ergür, Vice President of ASSAM, who penned the first “aircraft carrier” work in Turkey, said: “Chief Admiral Hayreddin Barbarossa, who turned the Mediterranean into a Lake, "Who rules the seas, rules the world." This strategy is still valid. This is the reason for the storm in the Mediterranean,” he says.

Tuesday, 08 December 2020 10:20

A Strategic Overview of the Sahel Region

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  • Coastal or Coastal Zone (Arabic ﺳﺎﺣل, sāḥil, semi-arid Sahara are savannahs of tropical and subtropical grasslands and shrubs on the border or lands.
  • The Sahel extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Red Sea in the east; The lane continues as a 3862 km long strip with a width of several hundred kilometers to a thousand kilometers and covers an area of 3,053,200 square kilometers.
  • Sahel; It is the name that defines the geography of the South of Africa's Sahara Belt, starting from Senegal, including Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, Sudan and even partially Nigeria, Burkina Faso and Eritrea.


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The Islamic geography, which was disbanded after the first World War, could not keep up with the era in self-recovery and development. t is a known fact that the basis of the sea supremacy established by the Genoese and Venetians, who had naval superiority in the Mediterranean, was the emergence of Grand Sailing Ships (Galleon) with smaller and faster galleys.