Displaying items by tag: chp

Thursday, 02 February 2023 09:41

The Most Americanist CHP General Manager Ever

The new understanding that emerged with the appointment of Kılıçdaroğlu to the administration in May 2010 brought the party to an Americanist and globalist basis like never before. The purpose of the tape conspiracy targeting Baykal was to bring about a change in the party, that is, to bring the Party hand in hand with the globalists.

The founding philosophy of our Republic is on the provision of ‘Our Independence and Future’.

With Kemalism, ‘secularism’ was made a fundamental element and everything was sacrificed for its sake.

Monday, 23 January 2023 08:43

'Misak-ı Müstemleke'nin Yeni Derwish'i Kim?

Altılı masanın içtiği andın adıdır ‘Misak-ı Müstemleke’…

Goebbels Kemal, 2-5 Kasım 2022 tarihleri arasında önce ABD sonra İngiltere’ye gitti. ABD’de, daha çok Türkler’le, İngiltere’de ise Londra bankerleri ile görüştü. Ziyaretinin sebebi; olurda iktidara gelirse lazım olacak parayı bulmaktı.

Birçok şirketle görüşüldü.

Tagged under

Do not underestimate July 15!

Never underestimate the emphasis of “July 15 was fiction” and see it as an ordinary message.

The 3rd ASSAM Islamic Union Congress was held in Istanbul on December 19-20, 2019 under the leadership of President of ASSAM Adnan TANRIVERDİ.