"Bilimsel Makale Hazırlama Disiplini" konulu ASSAM eğitim semineri 25 Kasım 2014 günü Üsküdar Üniversitesi'nde Ali Coşar beyin sunumu ile gerçekleştirildi.
Sunum dosyasını makalenin sonunda yer alan bağlantıdan indirebilirsiniz.
Küresel Saldırının Hedefindeki İslam Dünyası konulu seminer ASSAM Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı E.Tuğg. Adnan TANRIVERDİ tarafından Bursa Setbaşı Kütüphanesi Üftade Toplantı Salonunda 1 Kasım 2014 Cumartesi günü saat 13:00'de verilecektir.
Akabinde ASSAM Mısır Çalıştayı iki Mısırlı Akademisyenin de katılımları ile gerçekleştirilecektir.
Birleşmiş Milletler Teşkilâtına üye 193 Devlet’in 60’ını (Üye Sayısının %31’i) halkı Müslüman Ülkeler teşkil etmektedir.
7,145 milyarlık Dünya Nüfusunun 1,6 Milyar’ını (Dünya Nüfusunun %22,5’u) Müslüman Devletlerin insanları, 150 milyon Km2 olan dünya karalarının 19 milyon Km2’sini (Dünya Karalarının %12,8’i) de 60 İslâm Ülkesinin toprakları teşkil etmektedir.
İslâm Coğrafyası; kendi aralarındaki sınırlar yok sayıldığında oluşturdukları blok ile dünya adası olarak bilinen Asya, Avrupa ve Afrika Kıtalarının merkezinde bulunan; Dünyanın en büyük iç denizi konumundaki Akdeniz, Kızıl Deniz ve Karadeniz’in giriş kapıları sayılan Cebeli Tarık, Bab-El Mendeb, Çanakkale ve İstanbul boğazları ve Süveyş Kanalını kontrol eden; Atlas Okyanusu, Hint Okyanusu, Akdeniz, Karadeniz ve Hazar Denizine kıyıları olan; Asya, Avrupa ve Afrika Kıtalarına, Avrupa Birliği, Rusya, Hindistan Çin gibi süper güç sayılan Dünyanın büyük devletlerine kara ve denizden, Amerika Birleşik Devletlerine denizden sınır komşusu olan; Dünya kara, hava ve deniz ulaşım yollarının alternatifsiz merkezi olma imkânına sahip bulunan; Dünya petrol rezervlerinin % 55,5’ine, üretiminin % 45,6’sına, doğalgaz rezervlerinin % 64,1’ine, üretiminin % 33’üne[1], sahip olan; Jeopolitik konumu, ortak medeniyet değerleri ve tarihi birikimi ile imkân, gayret ve hedeflerini birleştirerek geleceğin süper gücü olmaya namzet potansiyel bir güce sahiptir.
ASSAM Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi'nin ilk sayısının önsözünden yukarıya alıntılanan metnin tamamına ulaşmak için tıklayınız.
ASSAM Seminer Uygulama Planında yer alan
Dünya Ülkeleri Arasında Uygulanan
Ekonomik İşbirliği Usul ve Esasları
ana konusu kapsamında;
Prof Dr Mehmet ZELKA
Ekonomik Entegrasyon
(Avrupa Birliği Örneği)
15 Ekim 2014 Çarşamba 18:00 - 19:30
Yer: Üsküdar Üniversitesi Çarşı Yerleşkesi
Mimar Sinan Mh. Selman-ı Pak Cd. Üsküdar
(Üsküdar Vapur İskelesinden yürüyerek 8 dakika)
düzenlenecek olup seminer genel katılıma açıktır
We are pleased to welcome you to the "Panel of Militarism and Democracy " that will be held at the Nermin Tarhan Conference Hall in 12 July 2019, Friday at 10.00, moderated by Mr. Ismail Kahraman, the 27th President of the Turkish Grand National Assembly on the 3rd anniversary of the Democracy Epic, which we nationally registered after the treacherous coup attempt happened in 15 July 2016.
10:00- 10:05 Minute of silence for our Martyrs, National Anthem.
10:05 -10:15 Opening speech:
Professor Dr. Nevzat TARHAN / Rector
10:15-11:30 Panel of Militarism and Democracy:
Ismail KAHRAMAN (Moderator) the 27th President of the Turkish Grand National Assembly.
Retired Brigadier General. Adnan TANRIVERDI / Senior Advisor to the President.
Professor Dr. Deniz Ulke ARIBOGAN / Dean of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.
11:30-12:00 Question and Answer.
We had lost Nurettin Keskin, head of ASSAM's office in North Africa, where he died after surgery done to him. We ask Allah to give him the mercy and to give his family the patience and solace. May Allah make abode in paradise...
The defendants of the Sledgehammer case were released from prison pending a trial. They tried to give the impression that they were acquitted with the shows they performed in front of the prison together with the crowd of media, and they used to insult the moral values of the nation as an element of courage.
They also implied that they are not done with those who sent them to prison and that they will definitely come to terms with it. They did not forget to strike a pose with a whole crowd of cute lawyers around. Those who saw them would think that they were heroes.
A press conference on “Cursing Israel, Immediate Support for Gaza” was held by The Union of NGOs of the Islamic World (UNIW) and Foundation of Volunteer Organizations of Turkey (TGTV) on Tuesday, July 22, 2014.
At the press conference held at Independent Industrialists and Businessmen Association (MUSIAD) Headquarters, representatives from UNIW and TGTV member organizations took the floor and evaluated what happened.
At the beginning of the meeting, UNIW Secretary General Atty. Ali Kurt made the following press statement:
ASSAM International Refereed Journal (UHAD) published its first edition in 30 June, 2014. As a result of the dedicated work done by the Editor Assistant Dr. Ali Fuat GÖKÇE, the first edition of ASSAM International Refereed Journal was published containing 4 articles that have been reviewed by referees and consisting of 121 pages.
For the second edition, which will be published in December 2014, there are 4 articles that have already been reviewed by referees.ASSAM (UHAD) expects academics to work the primary research topics of ASSAM.
Click here to view the first edition of ASSAM (UHAD). (Note: You should register separately for the magazine In order to view the full text of the articles, Registration and subscription are free)
Visitation of Bab Al Alam International Student Association
The president of Bab Al Alam International Student Association Mr.Ali ARIKMERT, the Institutional Relations' Responsible Mr. Mahmut OĞUZ, the Responsible of South Asia Region Mr. Server ALİM, the member of the Board of Directors and Member of the Georgian Friendship Association Mr.Murat KASAP, and the President of Health, Culture and Sports Department in Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University visited ASSAM.
Bab Al-Alem officials gave detailed information about their activities and got detailed information about ASSAM. Officials talked about the activities they conducted for the students where they clarify that presence of 55,000 students from different countries receiving their education in Turkey. The Cooperation possibilities were discussed at the meeting.
Speaking to the Milli Gazette, Central African activist İbrahim Osman said that France lost 50 percent of the Central African market and therefore resorted to re-occupation. Stating that systematic pressure was applied against Muslims, Osman said that the Christian Anti-balaka organization, which massacred Muslims and also it was supported by France.
A series of meetings were held in Antalya with the President of ASSAM Retired General Mr. Adnan TANRIVERDİ, Vice President Mr. Abdullah KAPLAN, Mustafa HACIMUSTAFAOĞULLARI, and Sadik Güray BALATEKİN jointly with NGO representatives and academicians in 16-17 March 2014. The meetings were held in the local radio station and were participated by attendance from Denizli, Isparta and Marmaris.
The meeting dealt with the issue of coups and 28 February events, on the other hand, information of ASSAM and SADAT Inc's work was provided.
On Thursday, 5 December 2013, Chairman of Board Directors of ASSAM, Mr. Adnan Tanrıverdi, presented a conference to NGO's in Bursa about ASSAM's Vision and Mission. Many representatives of NGO's participated in the conference.
After the conference, a coordination meeting was held with the ASSAM researchers in Bursa.