The Middle East, as a geographical region, has been the center of conflicts, religious wars and migrations throughout history. It seems that the same struggle still exists today. In the background of all this struggle is the difference of the social, religious and sectarian structure of the region and its economic efficiency. In this process, the region could not complete its economic and social development and became unstable. The question of who owns the natural resources in the region has been influential in the establishment of strategic balances on the region by the imperialist states.
The first studies on ombudsman in Turkey were carried out by Professor Dr. Tahsin Bekir Balta in the 1970s. Ömer Baylan added the work on the ombudsman to the literature with the article titled “Citizen's Complaints About the State Administration and the Swedish Ombudsman Formula for Turkey” in 1978. In the political field, it came to the agenda for the first time after the 1980 revolution, and the first legal initiative regarding the ombudsman in Turkey was made in the preparations for the 1982 Constitution. However, it was not included in the Constitution. Although the Human Rights Investigation Commission Law No. 3686 enacted in 1990 does not fully meet the ombudsman, it can be considered as the beginning of the implementation.
Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center (ASSAM) recently carried out an important activity towards establishing the Islamic Union. The fact that many guests from many Islamic countries attended the 1st International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress and their expectations for effective cooperation were also reflected in the final declaration of congress.
It is now a necessity to establish the ground and organizations for short, medium and long-term cooperation areas among Islamic Countries. In order for potentials to be mobilized for this purpose, there is a need for urgent mapping of existing capacities and capabilities of countries. It will also form a model for the commissioning of existing infrastructures first and then for collaborations to be made in different fields. In this context, making the Islamic countries to benefit from the current capacity of Turkey's defense industry is one of the areas of cooperation that can be established in the fastest way.
The seminar on “Islamic countries in the Middle East and colonial order” was held in the Conference Hall of Kayseri Miraç Cultural Center on April 13, 2017 within the framework of ASSAM seminars. His presentation was followed with interest by the conference of industrial engineer Mehmet Atilla Bey.
The seminar on "Economic Integration (EU example) "Under The Main Topic" Procedures and Principles of Economic Cooperation Applied in the World " was held by Prof. Dr. Mehmet ZELKA at Uskudar University on Wednesday, October 15, 2014.
The seminar presentation file is below.
The United States did not have a Syria policy from 2011 to 2014. In June 2014, when DAESH captured Syria and Northern Iraq and declared its caliphate, the US and the West took action. Few months later Russia broke into Syria.
I started my words with the idea that "the greatest victory is that which requires no battle" emphasized by Sun Tzu in his book The Art of War which is published two thousand years ago, written by Sun-tzu ping-fa, a Chinese war strategist and philosopher, and today book is among the most important strategic sources.
In Sun Tzu's philosophy; It is said that the highest effectiveness of knowledge and strategy is to make conflict totally unneeded. "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." Sun Tzu emphasizes that there are many ranks in the martial arts and that the best of them is "to reveal the plans of your enemies."
President Mr. Erdoğan made history in France. However, many media organ focused more on fundamental human rights and EU issues. They could not see the big picture.
So, what is the big picture?
There was a different Turkey that had been allied with the United States for decades and could hardly develop any strategy without approval of USA. But now there is a different Turkey today which is no longer a passive, but a play maker country.
The status of the defense industries of the countries is an indicator of their independence. The political and economic independence of the country, whose defense industry is not independent, cannot be mentioned.
The most difficult market for SMEs to enter is the defense industry market. Unlike SMEs in other sectors, they face two major obstacles when entering the market;
The first major obstacle is that the defense industry requires advanced technology and high technology is possible with large R&D investments. Even if companies have sufficient brain power and technology during the establishment phase, the return of the products they produce by gaining market share requires at least 3 times more initial capital of SMEs than ordinary sectors, since it takes much more time in the defense industry sector than in other sectors.
The second major obstacle is that the market is limited by the number of states around the world. In other words, thousands of companies produce for large and small two hundred and six hundred (one hundred and ninety-four UN-registered) countries and try to get a share from the tenders.
There are various state supports for companies operating in the defense industry in industrialized countries.
The British Government announced on 11 March 2016 that a new policy was announced by the Ministry of Defense to reduce bureaucratic obstacles in order to facilitate the activities of SMEs in the field of Defense.1 Thanks to this plan, SMEs are expected to save 25% in their procurement expenditures by 2020.
The Islamic world does not have a common defense system. Defense systems on a country basis are configured, trained and equipped by about seventy companies based in Europe and the USA. Therefore, Islamic countries do not have defense strategies, industries and institutions based on domestic and self-resources. Is it conceivable that a defense system organized by European and US companies, which is entirely under the technical control of these companies, is independent of the political, sociological and military strategies of Europe and the United States?
[09 December 2014 – 16 Safar 1436 Tuesday]
Prof. Dr. Ramazan Ayvallı
M. U. Faculty of Theology Assistant Professor
There are very important victories in Turkish-Islamic history. The “Battle of Manzikert”, which took place on August 26, 1071, on the Manzikert Plain in Eastern Anatolia, between the forces of the Great Seljuk Sultan Alp Arslan and the Byzantine Emperor Romanos Diogenes, is one of the greatest victories in Turkish-Islamic history. This Seljuk-Byzantine War, which opened the gates of Anatolia to the Turks, is very important in terms of its religious, national, political and military results.
After the Victory of Manzikert, in just fifteen years, the whole of Anatolia's title deed passed into the control of the Turks. Within this regard, the Victory of Manzikert was a very important turning point in Turkish and history of the world.
Armies Must Be Religious
(APRIL 02, 2015)
Among the professions, there is no other profession other than the military profession that demands the fulfillment of the duty at the cost of his own life.
Can people who do not believe in martyrdom, who do not think afterlife, who do not believe that they will earn eternal life and heaven in return for the life they will sacrifice for their homeland, the material and moral values of their state, religion and nation, can risk their lives to do their duty in warfare?
What can be promised to people who do not have an Islamic sensitivity, who do not know the decrees of martyrdom, and who do not have the consciousness of belief in the hereafter, to be willingly sacrificing their lives?
There is no doubt that people who cannot risk to die will be deprived of the spiritual strength that will increase their financial power many times in the face of risks that will endanger their lives.
In terms of the responsibilities it assumes, we can say that the military profession is one of the professions in which members must be religious.
In order to have the spiritual power it needs in order to fulfill its duty in the extraordinary conditions of war, the soldiers of the countries, regardless of their different religion, must be RELIGIOUS.
In the twentieth century, the principles of "the right of nations to self-determination" were first declared by Woodrow Wilson, the 28th President of the USA. These declared principles were concepts such as "Democracy-Human Rights-Rule of Law-Politics".