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Kongremizin amacı,

İslâm Ülkelerinin bir irade altında toplaması için olması gereken müesseseler ve bu müesseselerin günümüz şartlarında uygulanabilir mevzuatının araştırılması ve üzerinde fikir birliğine varılabilecek bir hal tarzının Müslüman milletlerle paylaşılmasıdır.

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Retired Brigadier General Adnan Tanrıverdi, President of the Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center (ASSAM), stated that the May 27 military coup in 1960 was an indelible black mark on Turkish political life, and argued that it laid the groundwork for subsequent coups and memorandums.

It has been 56 years since the May 27, 1960 coup, which resulted in the execution of Prime Minister Adnan Menderes and two ministers. Despite the passage of time, the pain caused by the coup in social and political life remained fresh in the memory of people.

Retired Brigadier General Tanrıverdi, he said in his statement to the AA reporter;

Wednesday, 05 April 2017 00:00

The Power That Will Blot Out Coup: Nation and Stability

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We talked with Retired Brigadier General Adnan Tanrıverdi, Chief Advisor to the President, about whether the new presidential system can bring a permanent solution to the coups or not. Tanriverdi said, “The solution is stability.”

Monday, 23 May 2016 00:00

ASSAM Kahramanmaraş Konferansı

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Kahramanmaraş Büyükşehir Belediyesi, ASDER, ASSAM ve Yeni Ufuk Derneği'nin ortaklaşa düzenlediği "Küresel Saldırının Hedefindeki İslam Dünyası, Bölgesel Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri" konulu konferans ASSAM Başkanı Em Tuğg Adnan TANRIVEDİ tarafından verilmiştir. Konferans ve bağlı diğer programlarda emeği geçenlere başta Şevket YEŞİLÖRDEK olmak üzere şükranlarımızı arz ederiz.


Konferans sunum dosyası ekte bulunmaktadır.


Saturday, 09 April 2016 00:00

Kırıkkale MKEK Factory Manager Arrested

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It was reported in the press that Mustafa Tanrıverdi, the manager of the Makine Kimya Endüstrisi Corporation Kırıkkale Weapons Factory, was caught red-handed and arrested while trying to sell the National Infantry Rifle project file.

We announce to the public opinion that the aforementioned director has no affinity or contact with the executives of our Institution, except for the similarity of his surname, and we hope that such espionage crimes committed by those who have to protect the national projects, one of the most important steps taken towards the independence of our country, at the cost of their lives, will be punished in the most severe way.

Saturday, 02 April 2016 00:00

“We Are Ready!” Against the Asymmetrical War

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The colonial ambitions of the “Imperialist Global Powers” on Islamic Geography is a well-known fact.

These powers, which caused two great world wars in the last century and shed blood on our world, established their dominance with the military and economic power they reached and became effective especially in the Islamic geography under the threat of using force.

The occupations of Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq have tired the USA and the USSR, which we see as superpowers, and have shown these countries and global imperialist states that no country can be controlled by using military force.

Thursday, 31 March 2016 00:00

“The Crisis of Our Era is Terror” Symposium

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Panel on “The Crisis of Our Era is Terror” organized by ASDER-supported Üsküdar University Postcolonial Studies Application and Research Center (PAMER), in which ASSAM participated in the preparatory work; It started with the opening speeches and presentations of the President of Religious Affairs Prof Dr Mehmet Görmez, the Founding Rector of Üsküdar University Prof Dr Nevzat Tarhan, the Mufti of Istanbul Prof Dr Rahmi Yaran and the Director of Üsküdar University Postcolonial Studies Application and Research Center (PAMER) Associate Professor Merve Kavakçı; and two sessions were held on March 23, 2016 at Üsküdar University Central Campus.

In the panel, “jihad”, masked terror and suicide bomber massacres, which have become a subject, were evaluated scientifically in the sociological database to the extent that time allows.

Thursday, 17 March 2016 00:00

ASSAM's Islamic Union Concept Becomes Reality

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ASSAM's vision on the Islamic Alliance became reality

The “Islamic Army”, which is the first step of the “Crisis Resolution Confederation”, which was brought to the agenda as the ASSAM Project in the comments titled “How will Peace be Established in the Islamic World?” and “The Islamic World at the Target of the Global Attack”, was established in Saudi Arabia.


At the meeting held in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, at the beginning of December 2015, 37 Islamic Countries agreed on a defense alliance for an effective fight against terrorism.

At the end of January 2016, at the meeting attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey and the Chief of the General Staff, a decision on “Joint strategic cooperation against common threats” was taken.


Under the leadership of Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Army, formed with the military participation of 26 countries in which Turkey participated as an observer, launched a major exercise on February 29, 2016 in the Hafar al-Batin region in the north-east of Saudi Arabia.


Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Jordan, Bahrain, Senegal, Sudan, Kuwait, Maldives, Morocco, Pakistan, Chad, Tunisia, Comoros, Djibouti, Sultanate of Oman, Qatar, Malaysia, Egypt, Mauritania, Mauritius as well as Al-Jazeera Shield Force participated in the exercise.


The first images of the Islamic Army after the Exercise North Thunder completed in Saudi Arabia...

With its magnificent image, the Islamic Army has given trust to friends and fear to the enemies.

The Islamic Army, which completed a 3-week military exercise in Saudi Arabia, was seen for the first time. The march of the Islamic Army in the exercise area made a great impression.

The banner at the entrance of the exercise area reads, “If you ask what this army is, this is the army of Muhammad”.


The clothes of the Islamic Army also drew attention. There is the word ‘Allah’ inside the crescent-shaped coat of arms on the clothes, while ‘HasbinAllah’ is written underneath.


The military exercise organized by Saudi Arabia, called North Thunder, ended with the participation of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and other country officials. The exercise ended in 3 weeks.


200,000 soldiers participated in the exercise carried out by 26 countries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The first exercise of the Islamic Army was carefully followed by the whole world.

Wednesday, 09 March 2016 00:00

Hayat Sohbetleri - Ortadoğu Haritası (23 Şubat 2016)

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ASSAM Başkanı Adnan Tanrıverdi, Merkez Valisi Hüseyin Avni Mutlu ile birlikte katıldıkları, Tek Rumeli TV'de Sami Özey ile Hayat Sohbetleri programında tüm dünyada barışın tesis edilmesi için ASSAM'ın önerdiği ortadoğu haritasını ilk kez media önünde paylaştı.

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The guest of Abdurrahman Dilipak in the ‘Siyasetin Nabzı’ Program on Akit TV... Syria, Russia, Iraq crisis