ASSAM Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı ve Strateji ve Güvenlik Uzmanı Sayın Ali Coşar'ın 10.10.2019 Tarihinde TRT Arapça ile Barış Pınarı Harekatı hakkında yapmış olduğu röportaj
ASSAM Vice President of the Board of Directors, Strategy and Security Specialist, Retired Senior Colonel Ali Coşar, gave an interview to Akit Newspaper on October 16, 2019 regarding the embargo imposed on Turkey.
TGTV announced that they are the supporter of the speech of our President at the 74th United Nations General Assembly.
Kamu Yönetimi Sempozyumu (KAYSEM), Kamu Yönetimi Alanınında “Kamu Yönetimi Forumu (KAYFOR) ile birlikte önemli bilimsel etkinliklerden biridir. Kamu Yönetimi Sempozyumu geleneksel olarak her yıl bir üniversitenin kamu yönetimi bölümü ya da siyaset bilimi kamu yönetimi bölümü tarafından icra edilmektedir.
2007 yılında ADIMAK Konsorsiyumu,(Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi, Denizli Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Isparta Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Muğla Üniversitesi, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, Kütahya Dumlupınar Üniversitesi) türkiye’nin batısında yer alan ve coğrafi olarak birbirine kolay ulaşım sağlanabilen üniversitelerin kamu yönetimi, siyaset bilimi ve kamu yönetimi bölümleri ile mahalli idareler ön lisans programları tarafından dönüşümlü olarak düzenlenmesi planlanan bir sempozyum olarak yola çıkmıştır.
CLICK on the link below to see the chart prepared for the purpose of examining the materials exported and imported by Islamic Countries as natural resources and processed products.
Saturday, November 1, 2014, the seminar "Islamic World at The Target of a Global Attack" was held in the Uftade Conference and Meeting Hall of the Bursa Setbashi library with the Organization of the provincial presidency of ASSAM.
" Dünya'da ve Dünden Bugün'e Türkiye'de Savunma Sanayi " sunumu Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Antalya STK'lar Toplantısı gibi çeşitli konferanslarda tebliğ edilmiştir. Sunumun pdf dosyasını indirmek için tıklayınız. (Son Günceleme 28 Ağustos 2014 / 5,62Mb)
After the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, the rhetoric of US President George W. Bush in his speech, "Now, every nation must decide, either you are with us or with terrorists!..." had been on global televisions for days.
We can say that a consensus has been reached across the country with the government and its opposition regarding the amendment of Article 35 of the Turkish Armed Forces Internal Service Law No. 211.
This article was not only used as a basis for coups by the junta, but also became an encouraging factor in the formation of coup plotters.
In its current form, “The duty of the Armed Forces is to guard and protect the Turkish homeland and the Republic of Turkey, which has been appointed by the Constitution.” this article has caused our Armed Forces to turn to internal security rather than external security, to intervene in politics, to put political powers under tutelage and to act as regime guards.
Turkey, which has had a say in the defense industry until now, has reached the level of competing in the same arena as countries such as the United States, Russia, England, Germany and France, and it is unthinkable that it will not be able to stand out from these countries and have a say in the defense industry by using its geographical position superiority. These countries in question meet 76% of the world defense industry. Turkey has to compete with about 200 countries for the remaining 24%.
Interview with Retired General Adnan TANRIVERDİ, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ASSAM on Developments in The Turkish Defense Industry and Turkey-Africa Relations...
Great nations have great responsibilities. Having great responsibilities undoubtedly requires great power. It is not possible to be great power without military power.
Abdullah GÜL
President of the Republic
On Friday, August 22, 2014, it was reported on the Republic of Turkey Presidency Corporate Website that the Defense Reform Working Group has completed its report.[1]
Defense Reform is of serious importance in terms of Turkey's efforts to become a regional and global power with its 2023 goals. In this context, it is important to make technological reforms in weapons and command control systems, as well as structural reforms in the Ministry of National Defense and Turkish Armed Forces. The integration of defense systems into NATO defense systems should not mean NATO dependency. In accordance with the principle of full independence, unique defense systems should be produced and command and control systems should be designed to be integrated into different pacts when necessary. Therefore, the modernization work being carried out in Turkish Armed Forces currently and the need for reform of the defense systems of the Turkish Armed Forces should not be confused with each other. Otherwise, we will continue to stand by the events happening in our borders in the Middle East for a longer time and remain tied to form permanent solutions that will not only send humanitarian aid but prevent bloodshed.
1, Defense Reform Working Group Completed its Report, (Access Date: August 22, 2014)
Assist. Assoc. Dr. Ali Fuat GÖKÇE*
Suleyman Demirel University
The Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Y.2012, Vol.17, No.2, pp.203-227.
Public auditing is a contemporary application for accommodation the problems between public institutions and citizens. The public auditing also applied to different areas outside the classical application area. Military ombudsman is one of these different areas. Ombudsman hasn’t applied for various reasons in Turkey at the period up to plebiscite in 2010 despite initiatives in the past. The Turkish Armed Forces are on duty throughout the country with the organizational structure and a large team of staff. The width personnel staff and relations with citizens cause to emerge of various problems. In this study; the benefits and drawbacks for the institution of ombudsman in the armed forces is discussed and explained the need for the military ombudsman.
Keywords: Public Administration, Public Auditing, Auditing, Ombudsman, Military Ombudsman. Public Administration, Public Auditing, Auditing, Ombudsman, Military Ombudsman.
* GÖKÇE, Gaziantep University, İslahiye Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The period between 1945 and 1990, which began at the end of the World War II, is the "Cold War" period. After the end of the Cold War, the US is the greatest asymmetric power and military-political leader in the New World Order.
The global powers that structured the Islamic geography 100 years ago, in the New World order that started with the end of the cold war, with the Greater Middle East project, this time they want to establish their dominance with the strategy of taking our geography under control, by provoking national-sectarian and congregation polarizations, by dragging them into a chaos environment.