The Second International ASSAM (Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center) Islamic Union Congress will be held on 1-2 November 2018 at WOW Congress Center in Istanbul which is the center of ASSAM.
The aim of the International ASSAM Islamic Union Congresses is to provide the decision-makers with a way of state of affairs about the institutions necessary for the gathering of Islamic Countries under a common will and the legislation to which these institutions will be subject.
The Honorable Adnan Tanriverdi, Senior Adviser to the President of the Republic and Chairman of ASSAM, presented on 06 October 2018 to the ASDER Youth Members a presentation entitled the ASSAM's conception of the Islamic Union and Universal Justice at the Justice school, at Sabahattin Zaim University.
"ASSAM İSLÂM BİRLİĞİ TASAVVURU" ile "KÜRESEL ADALET" konulu sunumlar tümüyle alttaki ekte yer almaktadır.
The 2nd International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress will be held on 1-3 November 2018 at the WOW Convention Center.
The 24th Islamic World NGOs Council Meeting (IDSB), which is considered as an independent umbrella for organizations in Düsseldorf, Germany was participated by Senior Adviser of President of the Republic; Mr. Adnan Taniverdi, President of the Red Crescent Organization Mr. Kerem Kinik, and Chairman of the Turkish Youth foundation (TÜGVA) Mr. İsmail Emanet as well as representatives of civil society organizations from various countries, administrators and businessmen.
‘Human memory is hooked on amnesia’. Man forgets quickly. Also, if the incident does not directly concern him, he forgets even more quickly, and he does not even realize it at all. An important event must be written down and read over and over again so that it is not forgotten.
Bunun adı Türkiye'ye operasyon çekmektir. Operasyonun amacı da tüm alanlarda Türkiye'yi teslim almaktır. Oyununuzu gördük ve meydan okuyoruz. Teslim olmayacağız..." diyen Cumhurbaşkanımız gibi bizler de tüm bu operasyonların farkındayız.
Milli İrade Platformu olarak ülkemize açılan bu ekonomik savaşa karşı kararlılıkla, devletimizin ve Cumhurbaşkanımızın yanında yer aldığımızı kamuoyuna saygıyla arz ederiz.
Turkey held its President and Parliamentary elections on Sunday, June 24, 2018. I wish the election results auspicious.
The result of the election had appeared in the polls weeks earlier. Our noble nation gave a very important message in the June 24 elections.
When asked about the reasons for preference in the pre-election polls, our people mention many revolutionary investments; tremendous innovations in the healthcare system, investments in the education system, technological progress and the free availability of books in primary and secondary education, with investments made in transportation Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, Eurasia Tunnel, Osman Gazi Bridge, New Istanbul Airport, Çanakkale 1915 Bridge, highways, dual carriageways and high-speed trains.
Although this is the view from the inside, there is something completely different when looking at Turkey from the outside;
On Sunday June 24, 2018, about 55 million voters will go to the ballot box to elect the president of the Republic of Turkey and the deputies who will serve in the Turkish Grand National Assembly for the first time under the new system, which it previously approved by referendum. Our people have been an example to many world states by identifying the party they want to form a government and its proxy candidate with their free will since the day of the transition to the multiparty period. At the point of holding elections and reflecting the will of the voters to the ballot box, our country has reached a maturity that will be shown with finger.
As the ASSAM, we publish the following statement under the umbrella of the National will Platform, which we are a member of it.
Professor Dr. Tahsin Görgün is Head of Philosophy Department at 29 May University and gives lectures at ILEM. From the fiqh to the history of Islamic thought and to philosophy, wide range of subjects are among the main interested areas of Prof. Dr. Gorgun.
The title of our conference was "The Place of Islamic Civilization in World History". We are sharing our notes...
65 civilians died who gathered on Gazza frontier because of Israel’s attack with real bullets and gas bombs. 2500 civilans injured. {Nakba Day(Big Catastrophe= The day when Israel expelled the Palestinian people from their lands)}
The attack made by use of disproportionate force againest Palestinian civilians caused great indignation in the geaography of Islam. Thus President Receb Tayyip Erdogan called Organization of Islamic Coopreatin(OIC) for an extraordinary meeting. Jerusalem declaration accepted in the meeting held in İstanbul.
The constitution (model) that determines the existence and unification of Islamic States, in the light of Holy Quran and understanding of ummah (determined by our prophet’s sunnah);
is aimed gathering Islamic States under a single roof, living and glorifying spirtual values together, producing and sharing material values together.
You could download the constitution (model) draft by clicking below given link.
The interview made Upon the conquest of Afrin’s center by TAF & FSA, by Ulke Tv Correspondent Ebru Kaçar with ASSAM Strategy and Security Specialist Ali COŞAR in 19 March 2018 was featured on Haber Kuşağı(In The News) program.
The purpose of international ASSAM Islamic Congress : Ascertaining daily political affairs of world on academic and political ground, particularly Islamic Countries, to present a manner to decision makers about essentials istitutions and and legistlations of these institutions in terms of gathering Islamic Satates under one administration.
The decision of providing the sustainability made in the end of discussions by civil society organization representitives from 27 Islamic States in first International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress.
Adnan Tanrıverdi chief advisor of The President and board chairman of ASSAM, was a guest in the İnce Fikir (Thin Idea) program on Ulke TV and evaluated the agenda regarding Olive Brach Operation.