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This article, which is the first part of series of article, will begin by briefly addressing the main issues that the series will address in order to shed light on the articles to come. Accordingly, the main goal of the series will be to outline the Sokoto Caliphate established in Nigeria - which was established in the early 19th century and was in effect until the early 20th century. In order to understand better the position of the established caliphate, previous states and religious structures in the region will be mentioned.

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Türkiye’den sonraki ikinci en büyük Türk devleti Özbekistan hükümeti Özbek dilini 10 yıl içinde hem hakim hale getirip hem de tamamen Latin alfabesine geçecek. Burada Türkçe ve Özbek Türkçesini karşılaştırıyoruz. Bakalım anlayabilecek misiniz?

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No one supported the Turkic Uyghur Muslims, and now the pressure on the Chinese Muslims has begun.

When China and Muslims are mentioned, we think of the oppressed Uighurs, who are the brotherly Turkic society, and partly Turkic peoples such as Kazakhs, Kyrgyz and Salar. However, we know very little that the number of Chinese Muslims in China has higher number than the Turks, they can be found easily all over China. Unfortunately, the persecution started against them today.

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Konumu açısından büyük önemi olan Ürdün, İngiliz bağlantılı kraliyet ailesi ve İsrail uydusu siyasetine yükselen tepkilere sert cevap vermeye başladı

Arabistan yarımadası, Kuzey Arabistan ve Kuzey Afrika bölgelerini birbirine bağlayan stratejik önemdeki Ürdün, dünyanın her yerindeki uygulanan taktiklerle, İngiliz oyunları, Batıyatapar hâkim sınıf ve ezilen Müslüman halk arasında kalmış bir kardeş ülke.

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Orta Asya’nın önemli ülkesi ikinci en büyük Müslüman Türk devleti Özbekistan hak ettiği yerde dünya toplumundaki yerine geri dönerek İslam Birliği konusunda merkezi görevlerini üstlenmelidir

Wednesday, 14 October 2020 10:24

Far East Report: Borneo

Over the island of Borneo, an island of unshared riches divided into three by British and Dutch colonists, and a Muslim homeland; the state of Brunei, the states of Malaysia, the future Indonesian capital, and Philippine claims

Friday, 18 September 2020 09:31

An African Country: Niger

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Niger is a landlocked Sub-Saharan African country. Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Libya and Mali are neighbors of Niger, which has area of 1.27 million square kilometers. The distance to the nearest seaport is around 1000 km. 80% of the country is covered with deserts and a small part in the south can be considered steppe.

Sunday, 09 February 2020 00:00

Black Consciences, Haftar and Black Shield

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Mercenaries are Panacea

In the early 1990s, the western world brought its mercenaries to Iraq on bail from a private military company. Western states have been using Legionaries since medieval ages to maintain the exploitation order in the Middle East, especially in Africa. When mercenary groups charged with preventing Iraq from procuring the stability of Iraq, which were divided into three due to internal unrest when people started to suffer from human resources, Al-Qaeda was invented and it became a new and very cheap mercenary source based on the ideological base of Muslims from Islamic countries. When the al-Qaeda ideology was insufficient after Syria was messed with chaos, ISIS was invented and put on the ground to create new resources. Today, with Turkey's effective fight, Al Qaeda and ISIS had been ended in the region. In Africa, organizations like Boko Haram continue their activity. When the west financing terrorism and some of the Gulf countries under its guidance had difficulty could not afford to stand against the Turkish Armed Forces and returned to their country in the coffin, and even sometimes did not return, they became have to use mercenaries from Russia with a new organization and use them in Syria.

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28 February Postmodern Coup

In the early 90s, the CIA-NATO gang convinced the Laicistic-Secular segment in Turkey that it was time to “ban all symbols that evoke Islam and stop Muslims from taking part in public offices” in the public opinion, as part of the Moderate Islam Project.[i]

Thus, they would hit two birds with one stone;

  1. The patriotic Muslim people would be isolated from the state administration in both politics and bureaucracy. Banning the Welfare Party… With the accusation of reactionarism and dismissal from civil service without trial, very serious injustices were committed until the early 2000s.
  2. FETO, which has been prepared by the CIA since the 70s, would be provided with the opportunity to settle in cadres in all fields (especially the Muslim section expelled from the public sphere), especially in the Armed Forces, Police Force, National Intelligence Organization, Judiciary and National Education. Collaborating with the Laicistic-Secular segment, FETO skillfully placed its own members in the vacancies of those dismissed under the label of reactionarism.

While the postmodern coup, briefly known as 28 February, caused serious traumas to the religious people, it did not take long for the Laicistic-Secular people to wake up from the euphoria of victory. They started to be evicted from the Turkish Armed Forces by FETO with trials such as Sledgehammer and Ergenekon. In other words, the snake they had grown started to bite them too.

The Laicistic-Secular community, which has always been hostile to religion and religious people, has never been able to realize that the religious people, who constitute the majority of the citizens of the Republic of Turkey, do not have enmity towards them.

[i] http://fetogercekleri.com/ust-akil/

Thursday, 30 January 2020 00:00

Enjoy the Palestine PRISON State!

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Although it is an unfamiliar word for new generation, our generation knows very well what is tried to be told when it comes to Malta.

In Malta prisons, it is used to mean the prison yard with a ceiling surrounded by walls and sky where prisoners go out and pace at certain hours.

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