While the British intelligence supports the main ideology that represents the great ambition of that society, it also supports ideologies based on its own main target against it. For example, while supporting Panislamism, they encouraged modernism in religion through individuals such as Mohammed Abduh, Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, and also pronounced that the Caliphate would be taken from the Turks and given to the Arabs. It does not let the same people into India because it would harm British authority in India. The interesting thing is that the idea of Panislamism did not come from the Ottoman intellectuals. This concept was first mentioned in an article published in The Times on January 19, 1882, its translation into English as Pan-Islam under the name of the notion of Islamic Union. The French translation of this expression was used by a person named M.G. Charmes in Des Deux Mondes at the end of 1881 and the French writer took this movement until 1870 in the aforementioned article[1]. (5) In other words, the project of unification of Muslims is western-centered. Name and mission that will appeal to Muslims. Today, they are uniting the so-called Muslims, establishing a so-called caliphate, and establishing a so-called Islamic state, as is the case with ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) and DAESH organizations. (!)
In the previous two articles, we explained at length how western thought struggles against the east. We stated that Anglo-Saxon thought and Latin thought were different, but both of their perspectives were decorated with arrogance and the logic of seeing themselves as superior. The US wing of the Anglo-Saxon school is a bit coarser, headlonger, while the English school is more subtle. Another distinctive feature of this school compared to the Latin school is: The Anglo-Saxon school thinks according to the Hegelian logic, and makes its action plan according to the dualist logic spiral. In other words, they create the “opposite”.
To give an example of the rudeness of the Anglo-Saxon, that is, the American school, the former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a statement recently, saying that the West Bank is the "rightful homeland of the Israeli people." Israel's former Minister of Justice and leader of the New Right Party, Ayelet Shaked, said that the Jewish people have a legal and moral right to live in their ancient homeland. What is the difference between these two statements? No way of thinking can compete with the American way of thinking in terms of rudeness, headstrongness and lack of understanding. (It could be called a complete thoughtlessness.)
In the Anglo-Saxon-British ecole of intelligence; intelligence means wisdom, reason and intellect. So, what does wisdom mean: human imagination, which is expressed as sensation, perception, memory, representation, thinking, imagination, problem solving ability, can be expressed as human thinking ability.
A unique series of articles begins with this article. No such article has been written so far, describing Global Intelligence and its areas of action. Here is the first article of the series “The Meaning of Intelligence and Western Thought” please welcome...
January 27, 2015 Üsküdar / Istanbul
With the “Association Justice Defenders” (ASDER), which has set out with the mission of the dominance of justice in our country and in the world, it has focused on the aim of researching the necessary institutions for the gathering of the Islamic World under one will and the appropriate legislation for the formation of these institutions. In addition, the “Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center” (ASSAM), which conducts intellectual research, wholeheartedly supports the “Solution Process”, which it believes will bring peace, brotherhood, unity, prosperity, peace and justice to our country and our neighboring geography.
On November 3, 2021, we met with the representatives of Non-Governmental Organizations, which strive to bring the voice of Yemeni people who is facing armed conflicts, diseases and hunger, to the international agenda. In the program hosted by the Hazar Education Culture and Solidarity Association in cooperation with the Aid Fellowship Platform, our Vice Chairman Ersan Ergür made a speech on behalf of ASSAM within the scope of our activities in Yemen.
Şafak Sarı on behalf of the Aid Fellowship Platform, Funda Ozan Akyol on behalf of the Istanbul Association of Women and Women's Organizations / İKADDER, and Adil Yarangümeli on behalf of the Non-Governmental Organizations of the Islamic World made opening speeches.
Yasir Feten on behalf of the Red Crescent shared information about the services for Yemen, expressing that the political conjuncture in Yemen also affected the humanitarian aid efforts. In addition, UNIW, Volunteers and IHH representatives shared their experiences and suggestions on the planning of inclusive and sustainable humanitarian aid services.
Yemen MEER Women’s Organizations Coordination Board Member Budour Ceylan and President of the Imputation Association to Empower Students in Turkey Dr. Esmaa Al-Qurashi demanded that Yemen's cry be heard and gave information about food, education and construction projects in the field of humanitarian aid.
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Afghanistan, [1, 3] which borders Pakistan in the east and south, Iran in the west, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the north, and China in the east with a small border, gained its independence on 8 August 1919 with the Anglo-Afghan Treaty of 1919 [2]. Afghanistan, which is an important geopolitical country, has been the focus of large migrations and has been subjected to many invasions. Afghanistan was occupied by Soviet forces in 1979 and by the United States in 2001. The current Constitution of Afghanistan, consisting of 12 chapters and 162 articles, was adopted on January 26, 2004, and the name of the state was included in the Constitution as the “Islamic Republic of Afghanistan” [3]. After the US withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021, the Taliban took over the country. The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is an Asian country that does not border the sea with an area of approximately 652,100 km2 and a population of 33 million [1]. Its capital is Kabul and its other major cities are Kandahar, Herat, Mazar-i-Sharif and Jalalabad (Image 1).
In an environment that the whole world is scrutinizing, the powers that want to make Afghanistan a bad example for Islam are carrying out all kinds of manipulations to prevent an accurate representation of Islam that will be a reference for both the Islamic world and all humanity. Afghanistan, with its culture, population and geography, is almost like a summary and laboratory of the Islamic world. For this reason, the representation of Islam in Afghanistan will not be limited to Afghanistan only. An accurate representation of Islam is essential to cope with the strategic mind that conducts its intervention through the diversification of identity in Afghanistan and thus in the Islamic world. At this point, Turkey's support and contributions will be vital and determiner.
The term “CENTRAL ASIA” is used to refer to the inland of the ASIAN Continent, far from the oceans. The fact that the region is closed to the international seas is its main feature. Central Asia is also the homeland of the Turkic peoples.
At a time when Islamic societies have long since lost their character of being an “ummah” and are divided into tiny units in the form of a “nation-state” and even a “tribe-state”, there is no doubt that “the rebuilding and revival of the Muslim ummah stand before us as an inevitable task”. [i] The priority in achieving the goal of reviving or establishing the ummah is for Muslims to “gain ummah consciousness” and to break the narrow molds of nation-identities based on an “ethnic, geographical or linguistic” basis. [ii]
SYED GEELANI, one of the important actors of Kashmir’s liberation cause under Indian occupation, passed away at the age of 92 at his home in Srinagar-Kashmir, where he had been under house arrest for 11 years, after a long illness on the night of September 01, 2021.
Afghanistan, which is defined as the heart of Asia, has a surface area of 650,000 square kilometers. It is a terrestrial, mountainous country and it has no coastline. The nearest sea is the Oman sea, 480 km south. The climate is divided into two regions as south and north. These two regions are separated by the Hindu Kush mountains. The northern region is generally very cold and very snowy, while the southern region is generally warm.
If you want to rule the world politically, you must be a strong and self-sufficient country in terms of economy and military. Otherwise, you will have to follow the policy determined by the countries which have the power.
Those who hung the late Adnan Menderes in 1960, those who gave the 1971 Turkish Military Memorandum, those who carried out the September 12 Coup, those who commissioned the February 28 Postmodern Coup, and finally those who attempted the 15 July Coup were all their lineage.
They were the ones who bought a kilogram of iron from Turkey in exchange for a kilogram of cotton. They were the ones who donated Vita oil to us in tins and stole our olive oil for cheap. They were the ones who buried Nuri Killigil and his friends in the gunpowder factory. They were the ones who usurped the future of our Turkey, the Turkish Nation, and us and other Muslims around the world.
They were the ones who designed our history and future by presenting one of us as terrorists and narrow-minded in the face of us in the last century. They were the ones who stole our intelligent people with brain drain and kept us busy with migration of our own brothers.
The post-modern coup plotters of February 28 were tried by independent courts and found guilty on behalf of the Turkish Nation, and all legal procedures were completed and they were put in prisons to be executed.