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The harmonious lifestyle of the Armenians, starting from the Great Seljuks, turned into a complete strife as of 1890. After the Ottoman-Russian war of 1877-78, when Russia occupied some cities in the north-east of Anatolia, it started to provoke the Armenians there against the Ottomans. At that time, France was also organizing Catholics. Thereupon, Britain started to propagate Protestantism among the Armenians, and in the meantime, it began to instill separatist feelings. They made an unsuccessful attempt in Van in 1888, and finally succeeded in starting a rebellion in Erzurum in 1890. In the same year, separatist Armenians killed some Armenians they saw as pro-Ottoman in Istanbul [13]. In that situation, which was created by the provocations of France, England and Russia, Armenians were also turned against each other according to the Catholic and Gregorian/Orthodox sects.

Sunday, 10 April 2016 00:00

New Islamic Union

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It is stated that the size of the universe, with today's data, is tens of billions of light-years wide at the macro level in the scientific world. Neither science, reason, nor imagination can go any further.

‘This mind does not need to grasp the meaning,

 Because this scale does not carry that much weight’

However, with the light of the Qur'an and the light of faith, the truth can be felt and understood. Even if the creatures do not know, the Creator knows everything and makes them live in the best way possible. Believers believe in him based upon their rank. In this way, every side and every being become illuminated, gains its true meaning and becomes illuminated. The whole realm of existence is perceived with all its beauty and reality.

The universe, from its atom to its cell, from its stars to its galaxies, from its angels to its jinns and its human beings, with all its existence that we do not know, is a sacred language that describes its Creator, its Lord, and its greatness cannot be expressed in words, it is a divine rite.

Wednesday, 01 March 2017 00:00

Construction and Restoration of New Turkey

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In 2013, the political-economic-cultural goals of the 2023-2071 year of the construction of a new Turkey were determined by our President Recep Tayyip ERDOĞAN and declared the goals of a strong national and independent New Turkey. Turkey's goals were a project of establishing a New Turkey by restructuring (Restoration) and building process in the "historical, cultural axis, geography", which is based on the return to its own values, namely, its own civilized values.

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The desire to limit the power of those who dominate societies, together with the theory of separation of powers, led to the establishment of the modern state. Montesquieu, in his work titled "The Spirit of Laws", explained the formation of legislative, executive and judicial powers that are effective in state administration and their relationship with each other. Starting from this principle, the degree of relationship between the forces in the period up to the present has led to the naming of government systems in different ways. The judicial power, which is among the powers, is kept in a separate place in this relationship. Since the judiciary has a close relationship between the legislative and the executive in every system of government, the judicial power is excluded from the determination of government systems. However, in Continental European countries that implement dual judicial systems, the administrative courts, which constitute the administrative leg of the judiciary, and the Constitutional Courts, which were established after the World War II in order to limit the power of the executive and the legislature, have functions in power relations. The existence of this relationship does not change the form of the government system. In each country, there are courts established according to geographical principles with different names. Therefore, in this study, the judicial power, which does not affect the formation of government systems, is not included in the analysis.

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Kongremizin amacı,

İslâm Ülkelerinin bir irade altında toplaması için olması gereken müesseseler ve bu müesseselerin günümüz şartlarında uygulanabilir mevzuatının araştırılması ve üzerinde fikir birliğine varılabilecek bir hal tarzının Müslüman milletlerle paylaşılmasıdır.

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Retired Brigadier General Adnan Tanrıverdi, President of the Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center (ASSAM), stated that the May 27 military coup in 1960 was an indelible black mark on Turkish political life, and argued that it laid the groundwork for subsequent coups and memorandums.

It has been 56 years since the May 27, 1960 coup, which resulted in the execution of Prime Minister Adnan Menderes and two ministers. Despite the passage of time, the pain caused by the coup in social and political life remained fresh in the memory of people.

Retired Brigadier General Tanrıverdi, he said in his statement to the AA reporter;

Wednesday, 05 April 2017 00:00

The Power That Will Blot Out Coup: Nation and Stability

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We talked with Retired Brigadier General Adnan Tanrıverdi, Chief Advisor to the President, about whether the new presidential system can bring a permanent solution to the coups or not. Tanriverdi said, “The solution is stability.”

Monday, 23 May 2016 00:00

ASSAM Kahramanmaraş Konferansı

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Kahramanmaraş Büyükşehir Belediyesi, ASDER, ASSAM ve Yeni Ufuk Derneği'nin ortaklaşa düzenlediği "Küresel Saldırının Hedefindeki İslam Dünyası, Bölgesel Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri" konulu konferans ASSAM Başkanı Em Tuğg Adnan TANRIVEDİ tarafından verilmiştir. Konferans ve bağlı diğer programlarda emeği geçenlere başta Şevket YEŞİLÖRDEK olmak üzere şükranlarımızı arz ederiz.


Konferans sunum dosyası ekte bulunmaktadır.


Saturday, 09 April 2016 00:00

Kırıkkale MKEK Factory Manager Arrested

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It was reported in the press that Mustafa Tanrıverdi, the manager of the Makine Kimya Endüstrisi Corporation Kırıkkale Weapons Factory, was caught red-handed and arrested while trying to sell the National Infantry Rifle project file.

We announce to the public opinion that the aforementioned director has no affinity or contact with the executives of our Institution, except for the similarity of his surname, and we hope that such espionage crimes committed by those who have to protect the national projects, one of the most important steps taken towards the independence of our country, at the cost of their lives, will be punished in the most severe way.

Saturday, 02 April 2016 00:00

“We Are Ready!” Against the Asymmetrical War

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The colonial ambitions of the “Imperialist Global Powers” on Islamic Geography is a well-known fact.

These powers, which caused two great world wars in the last century and shed blood on our world, established their dominance with the military and economic power they reached and became effective especially in the Islamic geography under the threat of using force.

The occupations of Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq have tired the USA and the USSR, which we see as superpowers, and have shown these countries and global imperialist states that no country can be controlled by using military force.